Markiplier: REBOOT (Revised)

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I remember the first time I watched an Amnesia Custom Story Let’s Play on YouTube. I recall staring at the link my friend Evee had posted on my Facebook wall and wondered if the video was as funny as she led it on to be. If there was one thing I wasn’t particularly fond of was horror. I hated jump scares, I hated loud screeching noises and I disliked the fear oriented adrenaline that it sent coursing through my veins. 

I hate being scared in general, to be quite honest. 

So, naturally, it came as a shock to me when I clicked the link and found myself laughing, just as my friend said I would. Although I was scared whenever all the monsters were “hunting” the Aussie Let’s Player, the commentary was hilarious and I found that I was rather enjoying myself.

Soon after the video came to an end, I was searching through more Amnesia Let’s Play videos. A lot of them were complete bollocks; dull and very slowly paced. Others were rather humorous. I especially liked the two reaction compilations I found: The first had a series of different clips from a variety of gamers and played one of my all time favourite orchestral “horror” songs as its soundtrack—In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg. And, saving the best for last, I found a reaction compilation made by a YouTuber by the name of Markiplier. 

To put plainly, he was so funny I almost pissed myself laughing. His scream very much resembled that of Homer Simpson and to watch as his large ego dissipate almost immediately whenever he was around or running away from monsters (which, in this game, you cannot kill) always gave me a kick. At first, he would be like, “I’m so strong, so tough!” and seconds later, he would hear the sound of a grunt nearby and any semblance of bravery would dissipate as he ran away screaming like a giant man child, yelling, “I’m not tough! I’m not tough! (Garbled scream)”, at the top of his lungs.

Soon after the ten minute video was over, and I had finished my laughing fit, I checked out his channel and he had only about a few hundred subscribers. Wanting to be kept up to date with Markiplier “kicking the butt of many-a monster”, I hit the subscribe button.

A few months passed and I had managed to watch the entire “Amnesia: The Dark Descent”. It took me a while, as I had work to do and school to worry about. I then carried on to watching his Amnesia Custom Story Let’s Plays. He was as manly and egotistic as ever and his hilarity continued to grow exponentially, along with his fame. Unfortunately, his account was closed for reasons he never divulged. However, that didn’t stop him! He started up a new channel on YouTube and many of his previous subscribers found his new channel and share his story with all of their friends. 

Markiplier's original 5000 had subscribed to his new channel within a day or so of his vlog, and a some of this followers went above and beyond the call of duty. To help boost Mark's signal, they liked every one of his re-uploaded videos as well as watched them all. Mark was so overwhelmed with the support he had from his fans. I didn't get the chance to see his video until a week after he posted it. But I did what I could to help once I did, as well.

You see, I never really paid attention to his Vlogs until recently when he started becoming more and more popular. So, after watching a few of his more recent videos logs, I was curious as to why the channel, as well as his fans, meant so much to him. There’s always a story behind every person and I wanted to find out more about his.

I browsed through his Vlogs and found the video that described his reasoning to start a Let’s Play channel. I found his story rather moving. In one last year alone, Mark had been in a rather bad relationship, which had ended sourly. It resulted to him being kicked out of the home where he had lived with his significant other. He then later found out he had a tumour and his life seemed to be spiralling out of control. But when the tumor was gone and he finally began to pick himself up, he made his first channel to pass the time.

Once he had finished the first Let’s Play to its fullest, he made a reaction compilation and that’s where everything began to take off. The views exploded and it was one of the many reasons why he became so popular. And now that he has the means to do so, Mark does regular charity live streams to donate money to certain organizations. One was an organ donation website, and the other was Child’s Play. He's done many more since then, though I can't remember them. He was one of the few YouTubers that didn’t let the fame get to his head and with his renewed life, he gave back to the world in hopes to make a Child’s life, or any person’s life, easier. 

So, under all his ego lies a touching story and a big heart that wants to make a difference in the world. And, without really noticing it, without any warning whatsoever, I found myself falling for a YouTube Let's Player who wanted to make an impact on the people and world around him.


Hello everybody! My name is Elise Bertrand-Hager and welcome to my story!

If you've read this far, thanks a bunch. This is the first and original Markiplier story on WattPad! I've come back since I first started writing this story over a year ago and I've taken the time to edit it. There are a few unique aspects to this story: Instead of Chapters, they are called Episodes, something I can proudly say that I came up with. It keeps the Gamer feel to the story. I've also noticed that this trend has caught on in a LOT of Markiplier Fics that I've come across and I am proud of the influence this story and Mark has had on the community.

Speaking of which, there's something that someone reading this story should know: I do not consider this story a Fan Fiction of Markiplier. Although it does feature Mark, I find that this story is feels too real to myself and many of my followers to consider this a MarkiFic. Into this story, I have poured bits and pieces of myself and my life/personal experiences to make it feel real. So if any of you call this a fic, I consider it an insult. And I know that's a bit extreme, as I am sure that many of you will consider this a MarkiFic, but this story means so much to me, as I have written it with one of my good friends, and has so much of myself and his self and our inside jokes in this story that I can't consider it a fic. I'll try not make it personal for I know many people don't really read these author's notes. 

Anyway, moving on, I just want to let you all know that I appreciate the love and support all of you have given me. Whether you are new to this story and the fandom, or a fan since the beginning, I love all of you and I couldn't possibly want any other fans than the ones I have now. You are all my muse and you keep me writing. Without you guys, I wouldn't be writing this story... or at all.

If you liked this story, please leave a vote and a comment in the section below! I love hearing what you think about this story and what you would like to see happen in the story.

Thanks for all of your support! 

And as always, I'll see YOU... in the next episode! BUH BYE!

*waves enthusiastically*

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