Episode 9: The Damage Done {under revision}

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Episode 9: The Damage Done

AN: Sorry this took so long to write but I've been busy seeing people and doing things. All that fun stuff! Anyway, as always, this chapter has not been edited and I will most likely seek the council of Billy Bob Joe Bob to see if they would like to add anything. And just to let you know, the story that Sarah tells at the end of the story is (mostly) true to my own experiences. I have put part of me into this story, as I almost always do to make my stories seem more believable and real to my readers, and I ask that you do not treat it with a grain of salt.

Dedication: This particular chapter is dedicated to my Precious, a good friend of mine. They're going through a rough time right now and this chapter is letting them know that, no matter what, there will always be someone there to support them and that they aren't the only one who hurts. Precious, you know where to come if you ever need to talk. Sworn to secrecy, remember? Won't say nothing to no one, and that goes for everyone else reading this.

Enjoy this episode of M:R
~Sandy Clegane

And I wonder where these dreams go
When the world gets in your way
What’s the point in all this screaming?
No one’s listening anyway

—Acoustic #3, The Goo Goo Dolls

Mark’s POV:

After putting Sarah to bed, I slipped into the living room and hid the bottle she brought up just mere minutes ago. I sighed and removed my glasses, rubbing my eyes. Whatever happened between her and Sir Dicksalot must’ve been bad. Never in my life had I seen someone so upset over another person and that didn’t sit right with me. There was nothing but complete and utter terror in her eyes and that stirred in me an anger that I haven’t felt in a long time.

All the possibilities of what could have happened were swirling in my mind: Rape, abuse (both verbal and physical), drugs, neglect. Just about anything on that list could have happened and each possibility made me feel angrier and angrier. What person in their right mind would do a thing like that to Sarah? Or to anyone at all?!

I clenched my fists and jaw, holding back the urge to punch or throw something. My eyes closed and I drew in a deep, shaking breath. I couldn’t be like this, not right now. It was my turn to be Sarah’s rock and the anger would have to be saved for later. I opened my mouth and slowly let out the breath I was holding. I did this a few more times and calmed myself down.

It was then I heard Sarah’s drowsy voice coming from her room. My feet brought me to the door and I peered inside. Earlier I stripped her down to her underwear and grabbed one of my shirts and pulled it over her head. She always seemed to calm down when she was around me. Maybe it was some sort of olfactory thing. If she had something that smelled like me around her maybe she would sleep a little better when I couldn’t be in the same room. As I watched her toss and turn, mumbling things in her sleep, her face making pained grimaces, I knew she wasn’t doing well.

She must be having nightmares. Again.

I stepped fully into the room and made my way to her side, sitting down and gently brushing my knuckles against her cheek. She paused a moment in her dreams and turned her head towards me. A small smile graced her face for a fraction of a second before she was asleep again. Sarah always looked peaceful when she slept—not when she was having nightmares, of course. It was like she was in a far off place where she couldn’t be hurt, even by me. At least she was safe there.

My fingers nabbed a stray piece of hair and tucked it carefully behind her ear. A small smile formed itself on my face and I bent over to kiss her forehead. A smirk graced her features and she slunk further into the comfort of her blankets.

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