Episode 21 1/2: Mantras for Mad Women

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Episode 21 1/2: Mantras for Mad Women
By: EliseB-H

A/N: Hey guys! I know that I said you wouldn't be hearing from Ellie or Mark for a while... BUT!!! that doesn't mean I can't post an (not-so) unknown pov! Please keep in mind that NO SPOILERS are to be seen in the comments. If someone genuinely doesn't know who this person is, don't spoil it for them. Please.

On a side note, the titles for this person's POV is always going to start with "Mantras for Mad[...]". So it won't come as an entire surprise... Because this person, let's face it, is a little psycho-bonkers crazy! Do you not agree? Yes? Yes.

So, here you go! A little thing to make you a little mad and just as excited for the next chapter.
~Elise, Sherlock and Billy Bob.

Unknown POV:

After I left the bar, I stayed outside; only just barely out of sight as I lingered by the window. The more time I spent near Mark, the harder it got to resist him. He was, after all, irresistible. And mine. Forever and always mine. 

I watched him as he hugged the winner-- Mags-- and gave her the check. Jealousy and anger were sent coursing through my veins. I clenched my fists and bit my tongue. He was touching another woman. Markibear was my man, my man. How dare he touch another woman! I calmed myself as I took a deep breath. Mark would be forgiven as soon as Mags was cleansed from this world. It would be as if she had never existed. 

One less obstacle until I reached my goal.

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