Episode 15: Burned

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Hey guys! This is the second chapter of the Three Part Update! This one is entitled "Burned" because, as most of you remember, Sarah lost her family in a fire. There were a few things about Sarah that I didn't mention to you guys, whether it was through an author's note or throughout the story. So this chapter is basically going to be focusing more on Sarah than her and Mark.

I hope that this, once again, ISN'T a disappointment!
Happy Reading!

Episode 15: Burned

Sarah's POV:

I went to bed early that night. A long day of awesomeness was spent with Ricky and Mark. We went to the farmer's market on the outskirts of town to get some groceries for the apartment. After putting everything away, the three of us packed a picnic and went to a park to enjoy the afternoon.

It was all fun and games compared to the outburst last night. A bottle of wine was shared among the three of us while we ate. When everything had been consumed, we laid back in the grass and watched the clouds, pointing out their shapes. Cliché, I know, but it was all we could think of doing while our stomachs digested the hearty food. But once that small tired phase wore itself off, the fun began. It all started with Mark play wrestling with Rick. They were at it for a bit until Mark knew he would lose to his opponent. At that point, Mark jumps off of Rick and runs towards me. I remember saying, "NO!" and running in the opposite direction. But Mark caught me, tackled me to the ground, turned me onto my back and grabbed my hands. He then began to slap with with them- non ungently. "Stop hitting yourself," he repeated time and time again... Add then began dousing my face with slobbery kisses.

And so the day continued on with such shenanigans.

Eventually everything winds down, though. We grew tired after hours of play. Matter of fact, we were the last ones in the park by the time the sun began to set. We stayed a while and admired the sun's descent, sending fractals of rainbow coloured lights every which way. It was truly beautiful to behold.

A day to remember in dark times.

Once the sun had set and it grew quickly dark, we packed our belongings, which were few, and headed for my "Baby". The engine's roar filled me with excitement as I pulled out of the parking lot. The '67 Chevy Impala was my grandfather's before it went to my mother. It was passed down to me on my 16th birthday. It was the only memory, the only thing left of them that didn't pain me terribly when I thought about it.

Ther were too many good things about this car to be sad about it. One of them would have to be watching my two favourite boys bicker in the back seat while I watched on from the rear-view mirror. Mark, earlier, insisted he be seated up front with me. Rick soon desuaded him of that: He insisted that the two of them left me to be third wheel in the front while they practiced their "B to Blow" skills in the back seat of Butt-Buddy-ness.

Mark couldn't resist. They even went as far as to pretend to makeout, which was a hilarious sight to see. 

I dropped Ricky at his place. Mark wasn't quite ready to let him go. He hugged him around the waist as he tried to get out of the car. He begged him to stay a while longer. They both laughed, got out of the car and hugged. Mark waited until Rick disappeared into the building before he climbed back into the car. He sat up front with this time. He leaned over and kissed me soundly.

We were home a few minutes later. It was strange to call it home with Mark there. Not in a weird way. In fact, he made this place feel more like home than it had in a long time... Ever since my mum and grandparents died. So, I guess what I meant to say was this: It was strange to call this place home without him. Or something like that. Mark kissed me and hugged me close for a moment. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm going to sleep in my room tonight," he said. "Just have to think some things through."

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