Episode 11: An Explanation

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Episode 11: An Explanation

I stared blankly at the camera for a moment before the words finally came to me, tumbling out one after the other. I smiled nervously, looking down at my hands and finally faced the camera to speak. “Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and I would like to welcome you back to my channel. Yes, I’m back and yes, again, there’s a new room to look at. The new and improves Markiplier Headquarters, you could call it… I… I know it’s been a while but a lot of things have happened in this past year that has been… has been life changing in both good and bad ways. I won’t get into any major details. But I will say this: Sophie and I aren’t married and we’re no longer together. That was around the time I stopped making videos. I just… I fell into this dark rut and I wasn’t able to get myself out of it and it was horrible.

“It took me some time to come to my senses and to realize what I was doing wasn’t going to help me at all. I didn’t do this all on my own, of course. There was another person who found me at my lowest of all my lows and who never let me down. They put a roof over my head, made sure that I always had something to do and always put her foot down whenever I was doing something stupid. Quite honestly, I wouldn’t be anywhere without her.

“Yes, it’s a girl. Don’t go all fangirl crazy on me and Girlyplier yet—I just got back! No, we aren’t getting married and no I can’t say who it is… other than my life saver and the girl who is sleeping in the next room. She doesn’t even know I’m recording this or even making a video. But I know for a fact that she’ll find this video sometime soon and when she does… I hope she knows that I appreciate with the greatest sincerity everything that she has done for me… and that I know she doesn’t know how to thank me in return for a few favours on my part but I know that she’s thankful. So, bayyyybehh, don’t you worry! Markiplier is here to make your day.

“Moving on, I just wanted to say, sincerely thank you to all of those who have stayed and supported my channel even when I was gone. I checked my email before posting this and… and I started to cry. Never had I expected any kind words from anyone after being such an ass and disappearing without a word. I don’t deserve any of it but I am just so thankful that you gave it either way. So thank you so much for that, guys. I’ll be spending the next couple days to reply to as many emails I can, especially those that really touched me. I have some big plans in the line up.

“Anyway, this’ll be the last video for the next little bit. Hopefully the next time I’ll be posting a video is when Baby, as we’ll call her, will be able to do one with me. It may not be a gaming video but it’ll be a video to introduce one of the most important people in my life. I’ll be keeping in touch until then.

“And, as always, I’ll see you… in the next video,” I raised my hand to the camera and waved, a smirk on my face, “Buh-bye!”

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