Behind The Scenes: December Update [IMPORTANT]

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Hello to all you beautiful people!

I have a quick few announcements regarding the next episode, which will be called Episode 22: Be Gone Dull Cage. Sherlock (aka Forest) and I are working very hard as always to get the next episode out. However, to give us enough time to get everything perfect, I have decided that I will do a realistic time lapse. 

In the new episode, Eileen (aka Sarah) is relaying what's happened over a month's time. This will, if I am correct, leave us two weeks before Christmas. *checks callendar* Yes, it will actually! How convenient :) YAY US! *high fives all*. So, as stated above, it'll be about a month until you will hear from Eileen, Mark and the rest. 

The only thing that I can say is Ricky comes back. I know what you're going to say: "But Elise, Ricky helped with Mark's charity setup!" In that, you are correct. But there wasn't a whole lot of interaction between him and Mark, or Ellie, for that matter.  And as stated in the title of the last chapter things are going downhill. They get better only to worsen. So, in advance, I am sorry to put you through what I will! Don't hate me forever, PLEASE! ;-;

Other than that, I can give you a sneak peek in the form of the soundtrack song for the next episode. Just click the video to the top of your page *if you're a mobile user* or to the right of your *page if you're a laptop/desktop user.*

Based on what you've heard, how bad do you think things are going to get? What do you think is happening while Mark and Ellie are gone? 

Also, would it be too much to ask if you could share this story with every Markiplite you know while I'm away? Let's share a little slice of our... 'heaven', so to speak. It would mean a lot to me and it would help us achieve a state of awesomeness-- moreso than we already have :). LET'S DO THIS! *fist pumps*

Anyhoozle, the Elise must get back to writing. I hopes that I can gets this chapter to be GI-HUGE in length. With everything that all of you have done already, you deserve it! :) *blows kisses to all*

Happy Reading and Writing,
The Markiplier: REBOOT Dream Team,
Elise, Sherlock and Billy Bob.

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