Episode 14: The Crazed Butt-Stabber Returns

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Episode 14: The Crazed Butt-Stabber Returns

Author's Note: Hey guys! So, as I've been having a huge writters block (for reasons I won't divulge), I haven't been writing much. This chapter will be short because of that. I don't have a lot of ideas going for this chapter. But I noticed that I left some details out about Sarah/Eileen, most importantly about her fears and her appearance. I'll get to explaining that in the next episode, hopefully.

For those of you who didn't tune in to my latest live stream, I should like to let you know that there will be three chapters posted! You probably noticed that already. This one, the second and third ones. So yeah. They'll be short but they'll be all important to the plot. This chapter is important to Mark's life, the second is important to the plot, as well as describing Sarah, and the last one that will be posted has to do with Mark and some of the plot as well. Also, I have the ideas for the Epilogue for the story all down and ready to go. I have also written the last bit of the final chapter for M:R so I know where I want my story to go, which hopefully means that there will be more updates.

Remember: Everything in a story, everything an author writes, is important to the store. Do not overlook even the smallest of details.

Anyway, I hope this chapter isn't a great disapointment.


Ricky's POV:

It was unusually quiet that morning. I woke up and lay awake on the pullout, wondering what was going through their heads.

I know that Mark was mulling over everything silently. I knew him too well to believe that my little splurge last night had cured every last one of his worries. It was too soon. But he would get better with time. Ellie was either awake or asleep. If she was awake, she was wondering how Mark was doing. If she was asleep, she was surely dreaming about him or something involving him.

Ellie was the most selfless person I know. Sometimes she was so selfless she paid more attention to the problems of others rather than her own. And I suppose that was one of her downfalls. People say that there was no such thing as being too nice. But those who believed it were so sorely wrong. Kindness can be just as devastating as it is uplifting.

Nobody knows it better than me.

Knowing that Mark would be ok on his own, I decided to see how Ellie was doing. She may need a little support right now. If I didn't know any better, I would've let her be. But knowing her, she was staring at the ceiling, wondering what she did wrong. She did nothing wrong, of course. Nothing that couldn't be fixed, anyway. I got up slowly from the couch and walked quietly over to Ellie's room. My knuckles rapped quietly on the door and I waited for a reply.

A soft voice came from the other side of the door. "Ricky?"

"Yeah, it's me," I replied. "Can I come in?"


I opened the door and slipped quietly into her room. I didn't bother closing the door completely, lest Mark thought we were doing the nasty nasty. Not that he would think that but even the best of people can act rashly when emotionally unstable. I climbed into bed and sat next to Ellie, looking at her with absorbing eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she said quietly. Ellie turned her head away from me and rested it on her knees.

I sighed. "That doesn't seem like nothing, Eileen."

She shuddered. "Please... don't call me that, Rick. Not yet."

"Ok." It was quiet for a moment. "But tell me what's wrong."

Sarah looked around the room like the answer she was looking for was written on the wall. Her eyes were swimming with tears, though none fell, and both sadness and regret were plainly there. "I don't know whether or not I should've been so harsh with him. I mean, he didn't know and part of me thinks he had a right to be angry."

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