Episode 17: Cheap Day Return

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Author's Note: Just to let you all know, Billy Bob Joe Bob is back and he's fine. No need to worry! He's actually helped out with this chapter and for that, I am grateful!

So Let's hear it for Billy! WOO!

As always, this chapter has been seldom edited and there will be mistakes. If you see any, please point them out so I can created a better reading experience for you guys!

Any way, I hope that you enjoy this next bit of Markiplier: REBOOT!

Happy Reading and Writing,


Episode 17: Cheap Day Return

"On Preston Platform,

Do you soft shoe shuffle dance.

Brush away the cigarette ash

That's falling down your pants.

And you saddly wonder,

Does the nurse treat your old man

The way she should?

She made you tea,

asked for your autograph.

What a laugh."

--Cheap Day Return, Jethro Tull.

Mark's POV:

Sarah leant me her car. The drive across town went by slowly. My mind was swimming with worry and it was up to a point where I wanted to turn the car around so I wouldn't have to face Tom. I know I hurt him and that I would deserve it if he disowned me... but I don't think I could ever live with myself knowing that I hurt my brother beyond repair.

I don't know if I could live without him.

He was the most important person in my life, other than Sarah. I grew up with him. He protected me from my parents when they were having fights, we played games together on the Super Nintendo or bonded while playing in the woods. When times were rough, he supported me, even if that meant when I did thing that weren't necessarily good for me (in his books). But he was patient and waited for me to figure whatever it was that was bothering me out or if I needed help when I was struggling. Tom was there for everything and that's why I couldn't bear the thought of him not living in my life.

It would kill me.

After what felt like ages, though I know it couldn't have been more than 10 minutes, I finally pulled up in front of his house. I swallowed hard and took a minute to calm my racing thoughts and shaking hands before I forced myself to get out of the car.

It took me a few minutes to reach the door. There was a debate going on endlessly in my head. I kept second guessing whether or not this was a good idea. I hurt Tom real bad. I didn't return his texts or his phonecalls at all. I essentially abandoned him and even thought I knew my brother quite well, there was a shadow of doubt at the back of my mind. In the end, my feet took me to the door. I raised my hand and rapped briskly on the wood and turned away and waited for my brother, sister-in-law or niece or nefew to answer.

When I heard the door open behind me, there was a pause. I was expecting someone to yell at me. Slowly, I turned around to face whoever was there and I found myself facing Tom. Wade was standing dumbfounded behind him. But before I could say anything, Tom was coming at me. His fist collided with my cheek and I saw stars. I grabed for my cheek and caught my balance. I looked up at my older sibling. "Tom! What the FUCK was that for?"

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