Episode One: An Unexpected Event (Revised)

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Markiplier: Reboot

Author's Note: Hey guys! ONCE AGAIN, I haven't edited the chapter because I just really wanted to post the story. On another note, the soundtrack pieces for each chapter will be from Video Games because Markiplier is a hard-core gamer and instead of "Chapters" there will be "Episodes", just to keep that gamer-like feel. So, if you want to request a soundtrack piece for this story and it's a good one from any video game and you would like it encorporated in the story, just send me a message or comment on this story! :) I am always in search of GOOD video game soundtracks! 

Episode 1: An Unexpected Meeting

It has been over a month since Markiplier posted his last video. Things were getting hard in his life and he announced that he was going to take a two week leave of absence from YouTube to sort things out. Two weeks came and went and there was no sign of any new activity on his channel. And then a month passed… and two more weeks passed and still nothing.

After every shift I worked at my bar, I would scurry upstairs to my apartment to turn on my laptop in anticipation for another video only to find nothing had been uploaded. Another week or so passed. I slowly stopped checking YouTube for more episodes up until the point where I was so disappointed that it hurt to check. 

It's been a month since I touched my laptop and it would stay this way.


The sun was now filtering brightly through my drapes at 11am. I had spent the better part of my night tossing and turning since I retired at 3am. I went straight to bed after closing-- it had been a long night. Needless to say, I was lucky enough not to have graduated last year or I would’ve been royally screwed. There was still a mess for me to clean up downstairs. I ordered Tony and Cassie, my two employees, to leave early last night. They were dead on their feet by 2 Am.

(Queue Music)

With a heavy sigh and a quick glance at my clock, I finally found the strength to get out of bed. There was a daunting task ahead of me that needed my attention. I opened shop in approximately two hours and the last thing I wanted was a filthy bar to serve my customers in. It was Saturday, after all, and the university students wanted to get their party on early.

Without a single glance in the mirror, I did my hair up in a pony tail and slipped on a pair of slacks and a baggy t-shirt. If I was going to be cleaning for two hours, I might as well be comfortable doing so. After pulling on my worn out trainers, I meandered downstairs and locked the door behind me once I reached the main floor. I held my breath and counted to three before I decided to round the corner and confront the huge mess I know was left behind for me.

“Oh, sweet baby Jesus,” I muttered to myself. “This is going to take longer than I thought.”

Nearly every table in the room was piled high with dirty glasses, mugs, shot glasses, and the like. Chicken wing filled bread baskets were decked with a few flies that had managed to live through autumn’s chills. It was a disaster area.

I looked towards the sky. “Lord, give me strength,” I prayed to a deity I didn’t believe in. I sauntered to the broom closet and grabbed a few rags, a mop and bucket, and some cleaning solutions. I could detect the pungent odor of puke hiding in a corner somewhere in the room. And I was on a mission to find it.

Clearing all the tables was most likely the easiet part of my day so far. I didn’t take too much effort and all I had to do was soak the dishes in hot, soapy water. I would wash them later. The harder parts involved washing down the tables, polishing them with an aerosol wax spray, and scrubbing the linoleum tile floors clean.

Markiplier: REBOOTWhere stories live. Discover now