Episode 18: Life In Technicolor

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Author's Note: thank you so much for being patient. Thanks for the support and the joy you give me by reading my story. I love you all sincerely and from the depths of my heart. Without the enthusiasm and love I recieve from you all, this story and I would be nothing. You rule!

Thanks for your time!


P.S. Know that Billy Bob and I wrote this dialogue of this chapter together. I wrote for Sarah, he wrote for Mark. It was an interesting experiment, seeing as we had a conversation in character. Guess you could call it RP'ing :P Hope that you guys enjoy what we created here. 

P.P.S. If you haven't gone back to read Episode 3 yet, please do so. I've been making a lot of changes, with more to come, and without reading Episode 3 there might be a little confusion. For those of you new to this story, staying up 'till the wee hours of the morning to finish what's here, you won't have to. You've been updated on the story so far.

Episode 18: Life in Technicolor

Oh, love, don't let me go;

Won't you take me where the street lights glow?

~Life in Technicolor, Coldplay

After Tom and Wade left that night, Mark and I found it hard to bunk down for the night. It was hard to sleep with all the excitement from earlier still on our minds. Mark was ecstatic to know that his brother hadn’t cast him aside. To tell the truth I’m happy about that, too. The guy really hurt his brother and I had my doubts about whether or not Tom would be so welcoming. I remember looking to the sky and casting a prayer into the abyss. "God, if you're out there, please let Tom forgive Mark... for his sake," I said after Mark had left earlier this afternoon. 

I knew what it was like living without my family and that is a pain that I wouldn't wish upon anyone-- least of all Mark. No one deserved to feel that kind of pain.

We slipped into our pajamas and sank under the covers. If the Sand Man wasn’t going to put us to sleep, I could use this time to chat and cuddle. Who didn’t like to cuddle, anyway? Cuddling is the best thing there is.

Once we were all comfortable, I let my mind wander for a bit. I was usually quite good at striking up a conversation but a topic was eluding me for the time being. Maybe it was the last bit of the buzz from the beer we had earlier. Yeah, I’ll blame it on that.

My mind was wandering where it will go, as it often wont to do, and a memory flashed past my eyes. It was the morning after I was thrust into the bar fight. Mark had come to my aid after I had collapsed to the bedroom floor. He had helped me back onto the bed and picked up the slip of paper that had fallen from my bed side table. There was a message scribbled on it for me, supposedly about him leaving for groceries. But I remember the hesitation while he was trying to explain what it was that he wrote. Something just wasn’t fitting. Knowing that it was far enough in the past, I figured it would be ok to ask about it.

I looked up at Mark and all I could see was the bottom of his chin. There was a little bit of scruff there. He hadn't shaved in a few days. “Hey, Mark?”

“Yeah?” he said calmly.

“Remember that night when the bar fight happened?”

He froze a moment, but answered quickly enough. "Um, yeah, I remember. What about it?"

"The next morning you left a note. But after you helped me back into bed and shoved it into your pocket, you hesitated about what it had written on it... What did it really say?”

"It's insignificant, really. It was nothing. I was gone for groceries like I said,” he said simply. I readjusted myself and laid beside him, my head propped up by my hand. Mark wouldn’t look at me, though.

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