Behind the Scenes: Story/Life Progress

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Well, I'm back! About almost a month ago, maybe more (or less) I haven't kept count, my boyfriend and I broke up... and for the first time since finishing a relationship, I was completely fine with it. There were no tears, no hysterics, no why's about anything... And, for me, that was very strange. Hell, we sat in his truck and chit chatted for about an hour after everything was said and done, playing thumb wars while we carried on our conversation.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Anyway, that being said, I am back up and running-- for the most part. The second part of Episode 8: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea is back into its construction. I honestly don't know when I will be able to get anything done but I am still writing it here and there when I have the time to. So far, there's been little between work and collaborating/chatting with a friend, who shall remain anonymous, who is helping me out with this story whenever they can.

Either way, I am still in the progress of rewriting a thing or two and tonight I'm going out to visit a friend to watch Sherlock and help her get over someone. That being said, I won't be writing tonight unless she gets busy. If that's the case, I'll bring my notebook along and write a thing or two because there need to be made. And even then, that may not happen because the guy I am seeing is house mates with the friend I'm going to visit. Anyway, you really never know WHAT'S going to happen.

Thank you SO MUCH for your patience thus far. I know I left the chapter in a bad spot but I needed something that would keep you guys coming back for more (which part of me feels bad for doing). 

Happy Reading and Writing, my lovies!

~Sandy Clegane

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