Behind the Scenes: BROADCAST UPDATED!

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Hey guys! 

SO! The Broadcast is STILL on for Saturday April 5th at 9:00PM. HOWEVER! The website I'm doing it on is going to be a different one. This one is called UStream, I believe, and I've signed up for a basic account. On this website, however, you'll get to see my face! WOO! :D 


Anyway, before I actually DO the live broadcast, I want to do a test run! SO TONIGHT, Thursday March 20th, 2014 at 9PM EST (North America), I will be (hopefully) doing a broadcast at this link:

There is a chat! So if you want to chat with me, I will be talking and telling you a little bit about myself and how things started and talking with other people about just about anything. So if you want to join in the chat, please sign up for a FREEEEEEE account at

I'll hopefully see you guys there! If not, you'll see me :)

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