Behind the Scenes: Story Progress Update

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Hey guys!

I know this is not a chapter and a lot of you who have read this are DYING to read the next part, which I promise you will come within the next week or so. I am just busy with a few things right now, but I am getting chunks of things written here and there.

Just a heads up, I want to let you know that I don't know Mark personally and I am not sure how he would react to certain situations in my story. A lot of what he would say, do or react to situations are purely imaginary... or, to some extent. I'm basing his reactions off of what I would conceive is how someone with deep secrets and who has a lot of problems would react. However, I am trying to keep his care-free, generous, funny personality in play, here, which I hope I did a good job of in that one scene of our last chapter where he's naked in bed and toying with Sarah's mind.

Speaking of naked scenes, I am toying with the idea of having some kind of sexy scene, with LITTLE detail of course, for those of you who aren't exactly comfortable with the idea of something SLIGHTLY smutty. I mean, some of the subjectmatter that I've already written about is pretty intense already-- if you got past the abuse and the drunken nights, I am sure you can get past a possible Sarah/Mark sexy time if I decide to write one.

ALSO! I'm not sure if you remember it, but in one of my author's notes, which I think I posted in the second or third episode, I said something about having soundtrack music from video games as the soundtrack to my story... Well, that hasn't really worked out so far. HOWEVER... I do play piano, mainly self-taught because I only took lessons for 6 months when I was 9, which is almost ten years ago. With that being said, I'm not sure if any of your guys and gals reading this are fans of Morrowind, which is part of the series of video games that SKYRIM belongs to, but I am planning to do a piano cover of the Morrowind Theme for one of these chapters. I might use my piano, which is slightly out of tune, or I might go to my sister's friend's place one day, since she has a BEAUTIFUL Baby Grand, and I'll record it there. 

ANYWAY, let's wrap it up! I got some Markiplier videos to watch and stories to write!: If you have any requests or ideas as to what you would like to see happen, please leave a comment in the box below and I'll consider your ideas :) It could help push the story along!

Have a good one, guys!
Love you all!
~Sandy Clegane

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