Chapter 25.

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James' PoV

I'm waiting in the living room for Riley as she scrambles around making sure to pack everything for one and may I say again one night. I'm scrolling though my phone when this chick from my school Beth calls me.

"Hello...?" I say more like a question down the phone. I haven't spoken to Beth since well Beth and I broke up. She's fun, a little crazy but she's chill.

"Oh my god James" she cries down the phone. "Beth you ok?" As soon as I say her name Riley's head shoots round like I just killed someone. I hear her sniffle "James your mum just told my mum.. Y--your em d--dad he well in h-Ho- hospital.." She sobs down the Phone. Even though Beth isn't related her family is really close to mine and has been since we were born so I understand why she was crying.

"Wait what, Beth I'm on my way what happened!" I panic down the phone running to the door. "just going to leave me huh?" I hear Riley but seriously I don't have time for this. "Come on I don't have time for this we forts get to the hospital!" I say grabbing Riley's arm and running to my car. I open the door for Riley and then run as fast as I can to mine scrambling to get my keys in my car. "What happened?" Riley asks oblivious to the whole situation.

I don't know what to tell her cause I honestly don't know. "I don't know Riley all I know is my dads in hospital and I really you know what don't even worry about it" I say pulling out her drive, she seems shocked though. "James how could you even say that your dad could be hurt, in a comma or possibly dead and your saying DON'T EVEN FUCKING WORRY ABOUT IT!" Shouting the last part at me but she them starts sobbing, I don't understand its not her dad that's I'm hospital.

"Why are you crying?" I ask placing math and on her lap comfortingly. "He's the closest thing I had to an actual dad James even though it was for a couple months it's the longest anyone has you know..." She says drifting off into her thoughts. "You know what?" Snapping her back into reality. "Wanting me.." She says looking down.

Riley's PoV

"Wanting me.." I say swallowing my pride, I feel lonely all the time but when I stayed with James I felt needed, wanted, included, loved and that's all I've ever wanted a family.

"Riley.. Of course we wanted you and I bet all the other foster parents wanted you too..." He says obviously trying to make me feel better but my face stays blank. "No.. They haven't James they way they and my mother treats me makes me the outsider and sometimes..  You know what it doesn't matter" I say trying not to continue this isn't even about me it's about David.

"Sometimes what Riley?" He cares to much it's cute but honestly he needs to forget about me like everyone else. "Nothing!" I snap turning to face the window. "Tell me!" He shouts pulling the car over. "fine want to know so bad fine sometimes suicidal happy now!" I shout at him I didn't even mean it but it happened the words just came flowing out.

"Riley I never knew... I'm sorry" he says but I'm sick of people apologising for my shitty life. I'm sorry I didn't get blessed with rich parents and parents in general.

"Well it's the best option sometimes one less thing for the universe to worry about.."


A/n: hey guys another chapter how lucky are all of you only jk but hope you like it love you all xoxox

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