Chapter 21

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Riley's PoV

"How about you call him up and we can all hang together?" She asks waiting for my reaction but she doesn't get one. I stand frozen like an ice cube. Why did I lie?

"Hello.. Riley!" She snaps in my face and I nod furiously.
"Em yeah sure I'll call him the now..." I say walking out the front door and scrolling down my phone landing on James' contact.

What do I say, oh yes hey um I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend. Why would he want to do anything for me and after what he just called me at that party why'd I want him to anything for me? I've got to do it thought... I press call

Ring ring ring.....

"Hello??" He asks down the phone sounding slightly concerned. I take a deep breath.

"Hey.... James I-I kinda need a favour..." I don't know why but I'm scared. I've got these butterfly feelings in the pit of my stomach and for the first time in forever I'm worried about the outcome that may happen.

"Em.. What type of favour?" He asks as I take a deep breath.
"I need you to pretend to be m--my b-boy-f-frie- boyfriend" I say stuttering all my words like a baboon. I hope he agrees cause what am I suppose to say to Emily.

"Hahaha" is all I hear down the phone, I sigh.. " I'm not joking James please this once and I'll never bother you again, please" I say biting my lip waiting for a reply

"Fine I'll do it..."

A/n: sorry small chapter hope you like it tho love you xxxx

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