Chapter 13.

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Riley's PoV

The date went... Well I guess, I'm not too sure, I don't really want to go on a second. All I want is James and I think.. No I know he doesn't want me and that hurts because you only realise how much you love someone until you lose them.

I take my phone out and text him, we really need to talk, I don't think I'll be able to lose him again but how can I lose something that's not mine. Alfie dropped me off an hour ago and I think I'm going to change. I grab a sweater, leggings and some uggs. No need to dress nice were just talking right...


From James: sure I'll be at yours in 5 x

To James: ok just come in X

I can't really believe this is happening, I've known for so long that this needs to happen but I don't want it to. I already know the outcome, it's hard, I love him...

I wait patiently in my room until I hear the door creaks open and there stands the person who determines what my fait will be, I gulp down hard and pat the bed for him to sit down. He places a comforting arm around my back...

"So, is everything ok?" He's oblivious to everything, my breathe become shaky, I'm about about to confess my love for him and yeah, I know I've done it before but this is the only time it counts.

"James you know I love you... I love you too much to keep it a secret, we're either a couple and everyone knows or we're nothing at all...." I said, I can't believe I just said that, everything is going to fall perfectly into place. Hopefully...

"Riles.. Baby, do you really think this is a good idea?" Is he being serious right now, that was definitely an answer I want expecting...

"Yes, James, I can't go on like this anymore!" I say a bit more aggressive than expected. Oops...

"Why are you acting like this?!" He says just as aggressive, I swallow hard, I can't believe he's doing this to me all over again.

"Because.. Because I want to know.." I get lost in my sentence. "Know what?!" He shouts back.

"If you love me or not!"

A/n: so extremely short chapter sorry it's just a filler, hope you like it
Love y'all xoxo

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