Chapter 19.

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A/n: hope you like it
Not proof read

James' PoV

I see who I think is Riley I'm a distance dancing with my ass of a cousin. She looks so happy, overjoyed and I'm hurt but she can't know that. Can she?

I walk closer to get a better listen. She's laughing and it makes me happy remembering all the times she laughed with me.
"So what's your name?" She asks Ricky my cousin.
"Ricky.." He says sliding his arms around her waist like I used to.
"Ricky?" She ask but before she could say anything else I but in.

"Torjiman...." I could help it I'm so angry and with all the people him. I drop my drink and walk away punching anything that comes in my way.

"James wait..!" I hear Riley call after me but I don't care, she betrayed me and I'm not ok with it.

Riley's PoV

"James wait.. Please.. " I shout one last time, he turns around and you can see how hurt he is and the anger boiling up inside of him.

"What?!?" He shouts at me and my heart aches a little. I walk up to him and sigh a little. I'm hurt that he would talk to me like this.

"I didn't know I'm s--sorry.." I spit out as a single tear drops down my check.

"Riley how did you not know?!?" He screams back at me, is he seriously being like this. It was a genuinely a mistake I wouldn't do this to intentionally hurt him.

"James it was a mistake how was I supposed to knew!" I shout back at his just as loud.

"You met my whole family remember or have you lost your memory!!" We keep shouting over ge top of each other.

"Sorry I didn't recognise his face... I--I'm sorry o--ok.." I say gently looking down at the floor. I feel a hand touch my chin and sparks go off in my head. James pulls me closer to him leaning in.

"Of course you didn't because a skank like you never does.. I regret ever meeting you.." He whispers hours in my ear before holding my face to look at his. More tears fall down my face and I honestly don't care.

"Get away from me!" I shout before storming out the party to walk home alone. I can't believe he called me that, I take my heels off and walk bare fitted along the cold, wet ground.

It was raining earlier but only a small drop. A summer shower as we call it. I'm about 5 minutes along the path to before it starts to bucket down with rain. Just perfect, everything is just amazing. I see a bench in the distance and place my cold bum on it. I burst out into tears. I'm still trying to process what just happened in there.

??? PoV

"Darling take the dogs out for a wee!" My mum shout up the stairs her English accent really shunning through. I do as I'm told and grab both my dogs. Ruby and Lucy. Both Australian cockapoos. I'm waiting around in the front yard and I see the most stunning girl ever crying her eyes out.

I slowly but swiftly take the dogs over the girl. As I stand in front of her she shakes her head.
"James leave me alone ok?!" She shout snot lifting her head from her legs.
I wonder who James is...

I place myself next to her and see she's shaking. She's wearing a very short traveling dress so she must be cold. The gentleman I am I take my hoodie off and place it round her shoulders. She looks up and her innocent, chocolaty brown eyes stare into mine and I can't seem to look away.

"Oh sorry I though you were someone else .." She says alooking down.

"It's ok I'm west..."

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