John Overhears

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You called one of your friends to tell her all about your trip, and she suggested you meet her for dinner. You jumped at the chance. Now you could go out and enjoy that steak you were craving, since Brian would never approve of you eating meat in his presence. You couldn't stand the thought of one more vegetarian meal.

The phone rang yet again, and this time it was Brian.

"What shall we do for dinner?" he asked.

"Oh," you replied, I'm going out with a girlfriend."

"Oh..." he said with obvious disapproval. "Well, next time can you ask me if you can go first?"

You were taken aback. "I wasn't aware I had to ask permission to see my friends," you snapped.

"You don't have to ask permission, but we're living together now, so it's just common courtesy to run it by me first," he said coldly.

"What's the difference?" you argued. "Besides, we're only living together until you find another place."

"You're right," Brian conceded. He didn't want to push you away. "I'm sorry. I was hoping we could go to dinner, that's all..."

You softened your stance. Perhaps you'd been too harsh with him after all. You were still adjusting to being in a relationship, and you regretted the way you had spoken to him.

"I"m sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that.  Tomorrow night instead?" you suggested.

"Yes, definitely tomorrow night," Brian agreed, swallowing his anger.

He knew he had to try to hide his dark side while dealing with you...


Meanwhile, Freddie showed up at the studio drunk again, and in a foul mood. John noticed immediately, but didn't say anything. The last thing he wanted to do was ruffle his feathers--he'd rather soothe them instead. He felt resentful toward Roger because he knew Roger could help Freddie, yet he was continuing to keep his distance. All this tension was really starting to bother John, and he could feel his ulcer starting to act up. Sure, the band had had tension before, but nothing like this, and he didn't even really know what it was about. The only person who seemed to be happy was Brian.

But then he overheard Brian and Freddie arguing:

"Get over it, Freddie. She's with me now, and we're very happy together," Brian gloated.

"As long as you believe it," Freddie said.

Brian shook his curls. "You just can't believe she could be happy with anyone but you, can you.  But believe me, she is, and you're just going to have to accept it."

"Oh yeah," Freddie said, rolling his eyes, "She's so happy, you'll do anything to keep her away from me."

Freddie strolled into the lounge area. The last thing he wanted to do was let Brian know how he really felt.  The truth was he felt like he was being kicked while he was down...

John followed him into the lounge area and saw Freddie sitting on the couch looking lost and forlorn.  Was Brian's new girlfriend the reason behind all this tension?  Was it possible Freddie still had feelings for her after all this time?  From the sound of things, Brian was incredibly insecure in his new relationship.

"Don't let Brian get to you," John said to Freddie.  "I know he can be an asshole."

"I'm fine," Freddie lied.

But John knew better, and he began massaging Freddie's neck and shoulders.  His skin felt so soft and supple, and his exotic scent filled his nostrils.  John wanted to ask him about what he'd overheard, but he didn't dare.

"Mmm, that feels nice..." Freddie said softly, relaxing a little.

This encouraged John, and he continued kneading his sinewy muscles. Continuing further, he gently raked his fingers through Freddie's luscious black locks. But to his horror, he could feel himself becoming aroused.

Just then, Roger sauntered in, his brow furrowing as he viewed the sight before him, but he didn't say anything. Was he jealous? It certainly appeared that way.

John watched while Freddie's eyes followed Roger's movements, and John himself felt a pang of jealousy. Roger had it all and he didn't even appreciate it. John wished Freddie would look at him that way...

John stopped his ministrations and said, "Hope you feel better," before he quickly went back into the studio.

"What was that all about?" Roger asked suspiciously.

"Why do you care?" Freddie said with more than a little touch of bitterness.

"I don't," Roger quipped as he walked out, shaking his perky ass.

"Fucking cocktease," Freddie muttered under his breath as he lit another cigarette.

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