
645 41 2

Lee Jihoon

I hear voices but can't understand what were said. There are blurred images of faces peering down at me and moving away then darkness comes again. Consciousness fades in and out. I can't tell if I am dreaming or not. One moment, I am in amidst in a road and a car struck me. Next, I feel my body being moved around on a bed and the blurred images and voices are back. I lay there forever and sometimes groaning with every exhalation just to hear something.

Gradually, things become clearer and I am a little bit more aware during these periods of consciousness. I am in hospital bed with something wrapped around my neck that prevented me from moving it. My hands are place down to the sides of the bed. The bed has a netting surrounding it to keep me from falling out. I see someone weeping on my side. I can't see his face with his head down. When that happened there was a commotion.

The thing that appears in my vision was a good-looking young man holding my hand. My eyes fall down from tardiness and felt warm tears abruptly slipped out.

"Soonyoung~" Morning came. I heard the door creak and footsteps became louder as I know that they move closer.

"I observe that there's no improvement or changes from the patient. Do you still want to wait?"

"What are you talking about doc? Are trying to say to give up on Jihoon? No I wouldn't!" His voice. I can feel his sympathy from his voice. Not only that. I can feel that he really care about me. Who is he? I want my memory back. I want to remember him.

"Calm down Mr. Kwon."

"You think you can fool me doc? His hand moved while I was holding it."

Mr. Kwon? Is that his surname? Then he was the guy who mourns on beside me. The person I've seen when I open my eyes.

"Now, you may leave." I heard a soft thud from the door. I can hear them talking but I feel like I can see what's going on through my eyelids. Although I'm not fully recovered, I need to be calm as possible for the medication to progress well.

"You got fooled?"

"Because you're fool."

"How about you? Fool because of Jihoon?"

"Shut up Seungkwan."

So Jihoon is my name? Maybe they are my friends. Without any thoughts, my eyes gape and found the place were empty. I feel dizzy by the fuzzy sight, a sharp pain from my head and then it became clear to me.


Neol saranghaji anha~


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