
687 42 1

Kwon Soonyoung

As I turn my gaze behind where I toss the stone, there was a car coming towards him, everything seemed to slow down, then the car struck him and sent him flying, literally flipping head over heels multiple times in the air. I feel like being crushed when my eyes witness how he got bump helplessly. Seeing the actual accident unfold was worse than seeing the damage done.

After the crash there is a moment of silence, extreme silence like a piercing sound in your ear silence. The crash itself is very disorienting. It's loud. Everything becomes still and quiet right after the impact. This is not true. That's not Woozi. No he's not! Don't give me the wrong idea.

Why are you beating so fast? Stop! It's not him! He just went inside and have a coffee. That's impossible. I know when he wanted to spend his time with himself. He'll sit on the corner and ponder things.

When I got closer, it strikes me at the heart falling on my knees. I enveloped my arms tears pouring down in his pale face. He couldn't open his eyes or move and he was breathing shallow, raspy breaths and there was obviously blood and fluid in his lungs. There was so much blood but it didn't bother me, all I'm thinking right now is his condition.

"Jihoon, open your eyes. You can't do this to me." The driver got closer and I can hear his sympathy and anxiety from his voice. "Is he your brother? Your boyfriend or maybe your other half? Because you look twins."

"I'm---I'm the reason why he got into accident. I'm sorry." I choked, sobbing in distress. Why did you do that? I didn't hold his face because I might hurt him even more. But looking at him weak shattered my heart. Woozi, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being dumb. Please forgive me.

"Please don't cry. Give me a second. I'll call an ambulance." Without any hesitation, I embraced him lightly, crying my eyes out in his chest. I can't feel him; I can't feel his heart beat. Tears flow down like there's no end. As I pull myself, my eyes strayed on his hand, holding an object like he didn't want to let it go until his frail fingers opened falling slowly in the ground. It rolled down the ground with blood covered unto the stone.

And I saw the stone that I've waited to come back......

Do I need to wait again? Do I need to wait for him to come back?

It is written in the stone..............

That I love him......

That I love Lee Jihoon.........

But I regret what I've done.........

I should show him my love.........

Not by telling him or writing it..............

The paramedics arrived with incredible speed and they took him away in the ambulance. I went inside and hold his hand. "Woozi, you'll wake up right? You can't leave me. If not, I'll never stop crying because of you. I'll wait until I'm the first in your vision."

I have to get it off my chest before I'll die with ache. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I know you're telling me that it doesn't concern me and is none of my business, but I still can't shake the feeling of being there and all of a sudden being removed from the situation with no closure.

Why do I need closure? Because I didn't care about who's this person that he's talking. All this time, I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid that I didn't have any idea that it was me.

"Sir, you should stop crying. He's watching you right now and it will make him sad if he saw you like that."

"I'm sorry." That's the only words that I can say. Woozi, if you're watching me, please give a lot of strength. Please, don't let go of my hand. I'll keep on holding on. Even if I have to wait a year, just tell me. But please, don't you ever say that I should give up. It will really give me death. Don't.

Bear that in your mind Jihoon. That I love you, I love you since I met you. I can't say it because I thought you like Seungcheol. I didn't give up. You'll know why doing this. This is for you. But going through this accident, this is not I wanted.

Jihoon, I'll wait for you. 


Soonyoung, he will come back okay? Uljima~


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