[One-Shot] Love Technique

Start from the beginning

"You're pretty obvious; no good at lying. It's easy to tell especially when sweats are falling from the side of your forehead when it's completely out cold," now making her brows furrowed, Temari continued. "Now, answer my question."

Still troublesome even after the play. Geez, fine. "Yeah, I know what I'm doing. In public, I pretended that I was under that spell. But I wasn't really; I was aware I was doing this. Well, because...," now blushing slightly, he gazed away, hand scratching the back of his head again. Now because of embarrassment. "I wanted to-"

"If you wanted to confess, every girl would prefer that the confessor would be himself. Since I grew up in a different surrounding, my stature as so. But that doesn't mean I am a woman no more. I would prefer the Shikamaru I know confessing his feelings to me, rather than concealing himself to someone I barely know and understand."

Her statement made Shikamaru blush even more, now losing more of his courage to tell her what he really feels. Ah, man. This is eating me up.

Patiently, she waited for whatever the lad's going to say.

Should I make it cheesy? But I'm not really the man for that. Should I be myself? Hues glanced at the lass. "I would prefer the Shikamaru I know" what she said... He motivated himself. Yeah, I'd do this! I can... No, I can't. I will do this. "Temari," the lad held both of her hands. "I, uh, apologise for acting as someone you don't know. It's just that it somehow pained me to think that you would reject me. You're the only girl I fell in love with, so I wasn't and isn't ready to accept rejection. Not from you..."

Temari's hues were still at him.

"I mean, yeah. I've fallen in love to someone I was scared of, and thought of as an annoying kunoichi like everyone else. So, Temari... If your brothers wouldn't mind... Will you go out with me?"

"I don't mind," a seemingly voice from another shinobi of Suna commented, arms crossed over his chest.

"I don't mind either, unless she says no-jaan," a certain puppeteer said as he stood next to his little brother.

"Gaara? Kankuro?"

"Now that you have our answers," the red-haired Kazekage glanced at his big sister. "Your answer is waiting to be heard."

"You need no permission from my brothers if you want to date me or not. The date only involves you and I. You only need to tell them, but not ask for their permission. You only will ask for their permission if you're going to marry me," laughed Temari.

"That's what I'm trying to ask."

"Eh?!" Everyone, who was watching, exclaimed in unison.

"I'm asking for your hand; to marry you, Temari."

"Are you serious? You asked me if I can go out with you. Not some kind of a line for marriage-"

"Really. Where did the genius Shikamaru go?" Mocked Naruto.

"Naruto, shut up," annoyingly replied his black-haired friend. "I was proposing, not asking."

"But it was clear-"

"So, Temari. Will you accept my proposal?"

"Hey, wait!-" Kankuro was stopped by the red-haired male, which he immediately abided.

"You're confusing."

"I'm kind of surprised that you still don't get what I'm trying to say. To make it simple and easy to understand: Can you have Nara as your surname, my wife and mother of my children..?"

This time, red blushes had drawn itself on her face. "Wh..."

Gaara placed his hand over her shoulder, snapping her back to reality. "All you have to do is nake your decision, Temari."

The blonde lass nodded. "I was and is actually looking forward for this."

"So... Is that a yes or a n-"

"What do you think?" The female smiled.

All Shikamaru had done was walk closer to her, wrap his arms around her...embrace was getting tighter but gentler.

He was happy. Really happy.

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