“Keane.” Louis whispered, his fists clenched by his sides. He knew that Skye’s youngest brother ratted them out; he knew that there was no possible way that Keane would be able to keep this a secret from me. No offence to the kid, but he was weak, he cracked wherever his family was concerned and I couldn’t blame him for that, he had only now get to know them and get to spend time with them, he couldn’t bear losing them yet again. I saw how much it broke him when she died, I mean when she -- god, I didn’t even know what was going on now, when he thought he had lost her.

“You didn’t expect him to keep this from me, did you? This is sick, for fuck’s sake this is so goddamned twisted. How long have you known about this?” I questioned, walking towards them. Sure, Louis was pissed at Keane for telling me, but I was beyond fucking angry at them for hiding my fiancé from me. I needed to see her, I deserved to see after almost a year of not being able to hear her or touch her, see those beautiful features I had fallen in love with.

“Harry, son, please just calm down.” John pleaded, who gave him the right to speak? Out of everyone I had placed all of my trust in his hands and he betrayed it, and didn’t even feel two ticks about it.

“I am calm, John.” I lied; the anger was surging through every fibre of my being, fuelling my temper. This was the sort of anger I yearned for, the anger I thrived on before I met Skye, I was confident, antagonizing and devious in this state of mind, and I loved every second of it.

“So, how long did you know she was alive, Niall?” I turned my attention to the one, second to Keane, whom I knew would be easy to crack. He was the one who always wanted to protect us, the one that would do anything to keep all of us out of harm’s way.

He mumbled a few words, his attention fixated on the floor he was standing on, he was afraid to look at me; he knew if he did he would see the dark colouring that filled my eyes, the anger that burned deep in my irises. He slowly lifted his gaze, the blue shades of his eyes were pleading, practically begging me to take mercy on him. I cocked my eyebrow inching him to give me an answer to the question I had asked twice.

“A few weeks.” He mumbled, gulping loudly as he stared at me, analyzing my expressions, expecting me to blow any second.

“That’s not a fucking answer, Niall!” I shouted, moving closer towards him. Zayn grabbed my arms trying to pull me back. I pulled my arm from his grasp.

“How long?” I demanded yet again.

“A little over three weeks, Harry I’m…” My hands fisted the fabric of his shirt between my fingers, driving him into the wall that was behind him. His back made contact with the hard concrete wall, a loud thud emitting in the otherwise silent room.

“Three fucking weeks! I have been going through hell ever since the day we though she died and you, the people I considered to be my fucking rock decided to keep this from me. She’s my fucking fiancée! I’m in love this girl, how does this even make sense to you?” Anger took over every single cell in my body, controlling my rational thinking and taking over every limb. Niall remained silent, the others trying desperately to get me off my so-called friend. I felt nothing for them anymore. Family was supposed to be there for you, supposed to be your rock in times of need, yet my family betrayed me. My left hand tightened around the fabric of his shirt as I lifted my right hand. I didn’t want to hit him, but it was like the anger had possessed me and took away all of my control as my fist made contact with the side of his face. I felt my knuckles tighten as they pulled back and yet again slammed into his face. His body fell to the ground, I moved down restricting his movement and holding him captive as I continued to hit him, over and over again. Red covered my knuckles and his face, hands tightened around my arms and waist, trying to pull me off the person I had thought would never lie to me, the person I thought I could trust no matter what.

Niall’s eyes started to close his body limp and numb, his breathing shallow, yet I couldn’t will myself to stop. It was like all the emotions that I had bottled up and hidden deep and dark in my conscious finally erupted from its captive state and I just couldn’t stop. I pulled my fist back up, preparing to connect to his skin yet again.

“Please, please… just stop. Don’t hurt him.” My breath hitched in my throat, the sound of that angelic voice that I thought I would never hear again, broke through the darkened haze that clouded my thoughts. The boys let go of my body as I slowly turned towards the hypnotizing sound of her beautiful voice. Skye, she looked the same, her features unchanging, her hair was shorter than it was the day I thought I had lost her, a little darker too, but that didn’t matter. She was here, right in front of me just as beautiful as the last time I had seen her. I felt my body moved, standing to my feet. Tears pooled in my tired eyes, my mouth agape, I couldn’t believe the sight. I moved towards her, wanting to hold her in my arms, wanting her to take away the pain that shattered my heart. She was the only one that could piece me back together and that’s exactly what I needed, I needed her touch, her love, I needed her.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, holding her tiny body. She was afraid of me, I could see it her eyes, I could see that I had scared her, something I never wanted to do, something I never meant to do.

“Harry, stop, she…” Zayn spoke; I raised my hand to silence him, I just needed her to take the hurt away. As I moved towards her she took a step back, only shattering my heart into tinier shards, it was my entire fault that she was afraid of me now, I had no one else to blame but myself.

“Skye, you don’t need to be afraid of me. I know what I did scared you, and I never meant for you to see that and I’m so sorry but you know that I would never ever hurt you, baby.” I whispered moving closer towards me. My arms tried to guide her into my embrace, but she placed her hand against my chest, creating a greater distance between us. Dark circles ringed her eyes, tears pooling in the brown-green irises that calmed me every single time.

“Don’t.” She merely whispered, pushing against my chest. I cocked my head, not understanding why she just didn’t want to hold me.

“Please Skye, I need you.” I begged. “I’ve missed you so much. All I want to do is hold you. I need to feel you, again. Please.” She scrunched her nose the way she would when she was confused.

“I’m sorry but I have no idea who you are.” She moved back two more steps, her eyes trailing towards the floor.


“I don’t know who you are!” She raised her voice slightly. I felt my blood drain from every limb in my body, the air disappearing from my lungs as I was left gasping. My body felt cold and numb. My head was spinning, how could she not remember me? The rug was pulled from under my feet; my body fell to the ground. Louis moved towards me, all I could do was stare at my shaking hands. I thought that everything was going to be okay, I thought that I had just gotten my other half back, that everything would go back to normal, but I was wrong.

Author's note:

I will only update again if I get 15 comment and 15 votes on this chapter. I know you guys can do it ilysm and if there's anyone that would like to make a new cover for this story just inbox me and let me know xx

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