The End of a Wonderful Five Month Streak

Start from the beginning

"No it's no-" 

"Jackie, the doctor is here, I have to go. I will call you as soon as he leaves. Bye sweetie.

The click on the other side of the phone set me off-- I cried as the boys did when Jimmy died; nonstop. It was as if my eyes didn't have brakes because the tears poured out and my moans scared poor Sophia who slowly crawled away. 

How could such a thing happen? I thought to myself, One minute my mom was fine the next she's in a coma.

I had just spoke to her the other day and she said she felt great. I was starting to believe that was a lie, that she wasn't fine. I guess that's how all parents are-- They refuse to tell their children how they really feel. I guess it's just a way of protecting your children's feelings.

I imagined her painful smile in my head and how it ached to be healed, to no longer hurt. 

I was scared out of my mind. I wanted to hop on a plane to New York and see her. I wanted to hear her calming voice. I wanted to hold her warm hand... But who knew if I'd ever do that again? 

I was alone at that moment-- No one, besides Sophia would be able to comfort me. I wanted a hug. I wanted comfort. I wanted Brian, but I couldn't have him. He was at the studio working. I knew staying alone in the house wouldn't do me any good.  I couldn't express how I felt with Sophia around me. I needed Brian.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I stood up and grabbed my bag and the diaper bag. I picked Soph up off the floor in a hurry and swiped the keys off the coffee table. If Brian couldn't come to me, I'd go to him. I didn't care if he was busy working. I wanted my husband and I wanted his comforting scent and embrace. 

Every second I'd check my phone as I drove to Burbank to see if Randy had texted me or if I missed a call. But my heart broke even more and grew much more worried as I saw the inbox and call log was empty. 

The hour drive was agonizing and stressful. If it wasn't for Sophia in the back, I would have gone over the speed limit, but the last thing I wanted was to put her life in danger. I didn't need another loved one to end up in the hospital. Specially not my daughter-- My world. 

I parked right outside of El Dorado Recording Studio upon my arrival and didn't waste anytime. I took Sophia out of the car then dashed inside. 

Once I walked in, I saw Arin and Johnny sitting at a table, enjoying a beer. Arin's face flushed with worry once he saw me enter the building in a panic. 

"Jackie, what are you doing here?" He stood up, taking Sophia away from me. In a way, I was glad he did. My body was becoming weaker by the second and I didn't know how much longer I could hold her little body in my arms.

I felt my voice on the verge of cracking, but I knew I couldn't let my walls come down just yet. "I need to speak to Brian about something." 

Johnny pulled out a chair and motioned for me to join them, "C'mere. He actually went to buy some food with Matt and Zacky right now. They'll be back though. He didn't answer his phone?" 

I sat down, taking a deep breath, "No, no. I didn't bother calling." Probably should have. "It's just I need him right now. Something happened and I didn't want to be alone at home." 

"Are you okay? Is Sophia okay?!" Johnny asked.

"We're fine... My mom isn't." I broke the news. I covered my face in embarrassment and frustration. It was only a few given seconds before I started to cry again, "She's in a coma." 

His face softened, "Jackie, are you serious?" I nodded, my jaw quivering, "Shit, when did this happen?" 

No longer able to speak, I shrugged, giving a shitty reply to his question. I knew the answer. I knew everything he wanted to know, but I couldn't bare speaking about it. I didn't want to be reminded of how my mom could either die or stay in a coma. 

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