
   For the next few hours Val paced. Val and her mates were upstairs in the hall outside Pierce's door.
   Allira and Drake stood still leaning against the wall as they waited for Val to calm down.
   "I've never felt that way before." Shaking her head she looked at her mates. "And to have someone force me under the moon for their own agenda. I could have killed someone." Val was Alpha. Being controlled like that put a definite knife in her chest, lodged in by her enemies.
   "How is she doing?"
   Val kept pacing not answering her ma. Drake reached out for Val lightly touching her arm.
   Drake wanted to give Val her time to pace and let out her emotions. Sometimes that was necessary. Now, it was time for her to come to a tranquil state and rationalize their next steps.
   Being an Omega wolf and Val's mate allowed Drake to calm her. Her touch sent a burst of new emotion inside Val that made them lock eyes. "Pierce will be alright. We will be alright." Sliding her hand down to Val's she guided her mate closer.
   Val took a deep breath closing her eyes. When her hand pressed over Drake's belly she relaxed more into the comfort of knowing her mate and cubs were safe.
   "Pierce will be fine," Allira finally answered Paula.
   Kathleen walked up the stairs and Val approached. "Anyone hurt?"
   Kathleen shook her head. "Everyone is fine."
   Observing Kathleen thoroughly Val sighed. "I'm sorry. I really tried to fight the shift."
   Kathleen placed her hand over Val's shoulder. "I know. You were as much a victim as the rest."
   Val winced at being considered a victim. Maybe it was pride or a werewolf thing but being seen as weak wasn't a sight she ever wanted anyone to see in her.
   "Can I see her?" Kathleen's voice came out smaller than she planned.
   They all nodded. "We are gathering the pack downstairs for a meeting. I really prefer someone up here with her."
   "I won't leave her side."
   "I know you won't," Val said.
   They all left downstairs leaving Kathleen standing outside Pierce's room. She opened it not seeing any point in knocking. Walking in she gazed everywhere else but Pierce. Kathleen could admit she was nervous. The last she spoke to Pierce they had a fight, saying a few bad choice words.
   Kathleen walked over kneeling beside Pierce, knees resting on the ground. She looked at Pierce's chest first checking to make sure she was breathing. It was soft and slow, Pierce body rising and falling. When Kathleen gaze caught to Pierce's face she smiled. Always so beautiful and looking so stubborn even in her sleep. Pierce's hair was unkempt, sprayed across one side of her face.
   Eyes wondering around nosy Kathleen spotted a brush on the dresser. After grabbing it, Kathleen sat on the bed beside Pierce twisting her body inward the bed until she had enough flexibility to begin brushing Pierce's hair.
   Kathleen noticed many times how Pierce always moved her hair out of her face. She didn't want Pierce waking up using any strength to brush her hair away.
   Pierce stirred a little grumbling something but never woke.
   "I don't want to scare you away from me." Kathleen wasn't sure Pierce could hear her. She needed to talk to Pierce. Try to let Pierce know she was here. Kathleen continued to brush Pierce's hair.
   Time flew as someone opened the door.
   "Hi. Just coming in to check on her." Holding out her hand, Spencer said, "we haven't formally met...not that this is formal. I'm Spencer."
   Nodding, Kathleen said, "I'm Kathleen." She stood off the bed, letting Spencer take her spot. "If their done with the meeting I'll take my leave."
   "You don't have to go on my account." Spencer used her stethoscope to listen to Pierce's heart. Once finished she looked back at Kathleen now by the door. "I know she would love having you here once she wakes up."
   Kathleen laughed dryly without humor. "I doubt that. Tell her I'm sorry."
   There was nothing left to say. Walking out of the room Kathleen headed back to home to take care of her people yet again.


   A few days passed when Pierce eyes finally opened. Her head hurt, the light in the room too bright. Feeling a little groggy Pierce whined from the hunger in her belly. Her wolf was awake as well.
   "Here's some water."
   Pierce eyes burned taking in the shape of someone approaching. When her vision became clearer she realized it was Paula.
   "I'm hungry. I need to shift." Her voice was hoarse.
   "Water first." Paula held a cup out to Pierce.
   "I said I need to shift." Pierce was far too weak to remove the heavy blankets off of her let alone stand.
   "You can shift after you drink some water."
   Why would her sister leave Paula in here with her? She might have nearly died but it's not like she was reborn and forgetful of Paula's life mistakes.
   "I figure since you can't just walk out on me I can talk."
   "Excellent," Pierce snarled dryly.
   Paula smiled. "We use to be close. I know the reasons we no longer are, lies on me." Paula held the cup out to Pierce again and she turned her head away. "I'm so stupid. I've been telling myself I did the the right thing. That you girls would see it my way, eventually." Paula paused taking a deep breath. "I loved your father. Still do. Miss him everyday. You remind me so much of him. Always protecting others without thinking of one self. And...making others see reason. You do it in your own way, but same outcome."
   "What do you want? Why are you telling me this?" Pierce looked over at the door hoping someone would come in.
   "I can never take back my mistakes. Can never say I won't make mistakes again. I am a coward not because I am a submissive wolf. It is because I simply am a coward." Taking a quiet breath Paula continued. "You deserve better. A better mother, if you ever see me that way again. A better life. A true mate."
   When Pierce heard the word mate she shuddered. Pierce wasn't sure if that was possible for her.
   "I love you. And I hope one day you see all you deserve and have all you deserve and more."
   Paula said nothing else standing up from the chair she placed beside the bed.
   Once alone Pierce let out the few tears she'd been holding in. She wasn't ready to face anyone. Shutting her eyes Pierce forced herself to sleep a bit more.
   It took Pierce another day to regain her strength. Walking back into the house after her first hunt in what felt like weeks Pierce walked into the living room where everyone sat.
   Val was crouched down beside her friend Marisa. Tonight was the full moon and would be Marisa's first shift.
   Spencer stood at the corner of the wall inside the kitchen afraid to stepped into the living room. It had to be a little frightening having a new werewolf shift for the first time. New werewolves were always wild and not in control their first shift. Plus by the scent of her Pierce could tell Marisa was a dominant wolf. Had to be, sticking around as Val's friend this long and the fact that she protected Drake the night she was attacked.
   Pierce walked over to Spencer. "Tell Val I'm going to see the Fae King."
   "You think that's a great idea?" Spencer asked.
   "Are you really going to see the Fae King?"
   Pierce scrutinized Spencer not sure what she was implying. "Are you really just nervous there is a new dominant wolf around or are you just nervous around Marisa."
   Spencer smirked. "I see you're back to your healthy self. See you later."
   Pierce smiled placing a comforting kiss over Spencer's temple. Werewolves needed touch from time to time, submissive wolves twice as much.
   For Pierce she really did want to talk to the Fae King but the thought of seeing Kathleen did not escape her mind.

Prima's Bite (Book Two) LesbianstoryWhere stories live. Discover now