After Breaking Dawn... Chapter 40

Start from the beginning

Three days after Renesmee mentioned the possibility of being pregnant, I caught her checking her stomach in the mirror one afternoon. I smiled and came up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She smiled at me.

"I don't know yet. I'm waiting and watching, though." she joked, her voice light. I could tell she desperatly wanted a child and she wanted more than one. It would make her happier than ever.

"I have a plan for us tonight." I smiled, kissing her cheek and pulling away. Renesmee looked at me curiously; typically, she picked everything we did. But only because that's how I had wanted it.

"Where are we going? What are we doing?" she seemed excited by my surprise; her eyes light up, her smiled grew wider.

"You'll see. We're going to leave at 3 if that's okay with you?" I asked her, and she nodded. That gave her two hours to do whatever else her heart desired.

Typical of Renesmee, we spent the day laying around the cabin. We had two days left in Toronto, before I'd fly her to another unknown destination. I wouldn't tell Renesmee where I would be taking her.

At three on the dot we got into the jeep. I wore cargo shorts, a t-shirt, and a pair of silly sandals that Alice packed. Renesmee had on a pair of skinny jeans, a blouse and a pair of heeled boots. She was perfect in every way.

"Where are we going?" she asked curiously, watching the roads as we drove to downtown Toronto. We turned on Bay Street and Renesmee realized what we were doing. She smiled wide.

"I should have gotten a jersey or something.." she mumbled, laughing. I smiled at her.

"I have a plan, silly. It's only four o'clock. We have time to go shop around and get all kinds of gear." I nodded towards a massive building then, "That's the Air Canada Centre, where the Leafs' play."

We were going to a hockey game. The Toronto Maple Leafs were the NHL team in Toronto, and I wanted to take Renesmee to a game. I had planned on arriving at a reasonable hour to get jerseys, and to look around the arena.

Renesmee and I went in multiple stores to look for Leafs' gear. I bought myself a jersey, and a hat. Renesmee got a jersey, a hat, a little flag and face paint. She always got into what she was doing, so this hockey game was no excuse.

We got to the arena around six, with an hour to spare before the game. 

"Here, let me do that." I told Renesmee as she was trying to put a little face paint on in the car. She smiled and handed me the brush. I stamped it on her face perfectly, and much more quickly than she would have.

 We walked quuickly through the streets of Toronto towards the Air Canada Center, looking at all the people who were clearly excited for the game tonight.


Renesmee Black

Jacob had decided to take me to a hockey game; the Toronto Maple Leafs were playing the Edmonton Oilers. I wasn't really into ice hockey, but i thought the sport was awesome. My family was more into baseball.

"Here, let me do that." Jacob offered as I was putting on face paint in the Jeep. I tried not to smile, so I wouldn't mess up the drying paint, but I couldn't help myself as I handed the paint to him. He was quicker than me when he was putting the paint on my cheeks. The paint was blue and white, and then there was a little pre-made sticker with the hockey team's logo on it. I thought it was pretty cool.

My mind wandered as we walked towards the Air Canada Center, the venue that the Leafs' played at. I thought about my family and about my potential baby.. The future sounded so nice, and I wanted to really know if I was pregnant or not.

Somehow, thought, I just knew that I was pregnant. That I really did have a little baby growing inside of me. I wanted a sign, though. Something normal.. Be it morning sickness (ew) or maybe a kick.. Anything. I almost wanted to ask Jacob about my mom being pregnant.. How that went, but I never did.

"Are you excited?" he asked me with a smile; for a second I thought he was asking about having a baby, but I then remembered that he was asking about the hockey game. I nodded, smiling wide. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my jaw as we walked towards the arena. I put my hand on his and moved it down to my stomach. I don't know if he understood, but I liked to think he did.

The ice rink was cool, but it felt nice with Jacob's arms wrapped around me. The home team won, and I got a lot of compliments on the face paint. It was actually really fun. A couple beside us explained exactly what every rule and penalty meant, and they were very kind about the whole thing.

I probably would have been annoyed if someone were to have asked me so many questions.

After the game we went to dinner. I didn't pay attention to where we were.

"Where to next?" Jacob asked me as we sat down, and I smiled at him. I wanted to go somewhere random; somewhere crazy. "We have until tomorrow at 11 to get out."

I pondered that for a moment.. I didn't have anywhere in mind.

"We should just go pack our bags and head to the airport. Just pick a random flight.." I joked, sipping my lemonade. Jacob's eyes light up. I laughed. "Of course, you'd love that."

We ate our food quietly, my mind still flitting back and forth between spending time with Jacob and having a baby.

I think I fell asleep at the table, because when I woke up I was in the Jeep.

"Where are we going?" I asked Jacob, half awake. He brushed my hair out of my eyes.

"We'll find out when we get there, won't we?" His smile was wide and brighter than the moon. I laid my head back down and closed my eyes.

In my mind I saw two bright eyed babies sitting side by side. They smiled happily at each other, their fingers intertwined. They reminded me of Jacob.

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