After Breaking Dawn... Chapter 37 Part 2

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I'm sure you all loathe me


Renesmee Black

The shower with Jake, of course, wasn't what I thought it would be. Obviously I was nervous, but it was easy. We acted like we were four, blowing soap bubbles in each others faces. He even tried to wash my hair, but most of the soap ended up in my eyes, so I told him I'd finish it myself. He frowned, but let me. I had to laugh at that, even with the soap in my eyes.

When I washed his hair, I did it quickly and efficiently, no soap in his eyes. I smiled to myself, enjoying the way his hair felt between my fingers. 

Jake got out of the shower before me, and as I was getting out (only seconds after him) he came back, a towel wrapped around his waist, and another in his hand. He scooped me up into the towel and wrapped my body up like a caterpillar making itself a cocoon.

After dressing quickly, I dried my hair with a towel while Jake browsed near-by resturants online. 

"What are you in the mood for?" he asked me, an interesting tone to his voice.  I bit my lip, and let the thought that his voice brought leave my mind.

"I don't care." I replied simply, not wanting to make a big deal out of lunch. Jacob, of course, refused to pick where we were going, or what we were going to do on our honey moon, therefore he insisted I choose.

I wasn't going to be picky,  because I was so hungry, so I suggested Olive Garden. Jacob didn't care, really, he just wanted food; and soon. 

"Do you think I need a coat?" I questioned, aimlessly running my fingers through my hair in the bathroom. Jake made a sound that sounded as though my question was obvious - he acted as if my being part vampire meant nothing. I got  cold, sure, but not nearly as cold as a human. Jake, well, he was a furnace of his own.

Jacob insisted where  we were staying now simply wouldn't do, so he looked into renting a cabin of sorts. I objected, suggesting we just stay in the room we've got now. His words to that make me laugh, just a bit though.

"That's what you imagined, isn't it? Spending your honey moon in some silly looking, funny smelling, weird hotel? Nessie, I wonder about you sometimes." he rolled his eyes, ruffled my hair, and started the vehicle's engine.

Olive Garden was an adventure. I never thought so many things could bother me so much. Or that one little incident could set me off so bad. Luckily, though, Jacob held me back so I didn't kill the girl.

Jacob held my hand in the car, my left hand, and he rubbed the 2nd finger to the left. I smiled, and so did he. That was the finger my wedding ring was on; the ring that belonged to his mother once, and now belonged to me. 

When we arrived, Jacob (of course) had me wait in the car while he walked, at human speed, around to my door to open it.

He curtsied cheesily, and took my hand.

For some reason, we got stared at as we walked into the restaurant by just about everyone.  It made me awfully uncomfortable.

The hostess, of course, eyed Jacob hungirly. I didn't even bother shoving my wedding band in her face, or hanging on to Jacob. I knew he was mine, and that was all that mattered.

She sat us at a booth in a corner, out of the way in a quiet part of the restaurant. I couldn't tell you why. However, I could tell you that just something about her made me want to bite onto her neck and empty her body of blood. 

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