Oh My God

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Joe was sitting in the living room with his guitar in his lap. He was strumming it while watching TV. He was pretty bored. He had called Pete earlier if he wanted to go out, but he said that he was taking care of the kids while Patrick was out. His friend then started ranting about how Patrick had been going out with Meagan almost everyday. Joe just listened not really caring.

Andy had sat down next to his husband and moved the guitar so he can lay his head in his lap.

"Hi cutie" Joe said.

"Hi. I'm bored" Andy said with a pout.

"Same. Pete doesn't want to go out"

"Let's go out then. Let's go out to eat" Andy said.

"Alright. I'm down" The two then went upstairs to get dressed for their dinner date.
"Is there a reason we came to the steak house?" Joe asked as the hostess sat them at a table. Andy just shook his head as he looked at the menu  for something that's vegan. "You sure?"

"Yeah" Andy said.

"Shit. Is it like the anniversary for when we met or something? If it is I'm sorry I forgot. I'm bad with days"

"It's not an anniversary, Joe. More of a" he paused as he thought of the right word. "An announcement"

"Okay. What is it?" Joe said excited as he sat on the edge of his seat.

"You don't want to wait till after dinner?" Andy asked. That was his original plan.

"Like hell I do. Come on Andrew tell me" Andy started playing with the end of the napkin on the table. He was so confident earlier and now he's nervous.

"Hey" Joe softly said as he placed his hand over his husband's. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay. I'm actually more then okay" Andy said smiling.

"Then what's wrong?" Joe was really starting to get worried.

Andy looked up from his hands and looked straight into Joe's eyes. "You're gonna be a dad"

Joe's eyes went wide as he lightly smiled. "Really?" Andy just nodded his head. "That's wonderful. That's amazing. Why don't you look so happy?"

"I am. It's just...I don't know if it's the right time to have a baby" Andy wasn't lying when he said he was happy. He was jumping up and down once he saw the test positive.

"Why do you say that?"Joe asked concerned.

"Because everything with the band. I know Pete is gonna want us to tour once the twin get a little older. I don't want that when I can stay home with our baby. It's just I'm wor-"

"Hey" Joe softly said as he moved his hand to be on top of Andy's. "Stop worrying so much. We can not play. I mean maybe we should take a break. I mean we're gonna have a family and Pete and Patrick has theirs. It would be for the best"

"Yeah. I know Pete and the fans won't take it well" Andy said feeling sad.

"I know. Its just a break for awhile. We have to focus on our kids not the band" Joe responded.

Andy nodded his head and smiled. Joe leaned across the table to lightly kiss his husband's lips. The only thing going through his head that night was I'm gonna be a dad.
The couple went back home after the delicious meal. They cuddles up on the couch while watching Law & Order: SVU. Joe rested on Andy's flat stomach while smiling. Andy would look at him and smile as well before kissing him lightly.


Joe grabbed his phone off the coffee table and looked to see it was Patrick.

"What's up Trickster?" Joe answered.

"We're at the hospital" Joe can instantly tell the distress in his friends voice.


"Somethings wrong with Sally"

That's all Joe had to hear. "We're on our way"
The couple ran into the hospital and into the waiting room. They went to the couple sitting in the uncomfortable chairs. They stood up once they saw the two.

"What happened?" Andy asked.

"We don't know. She like passed out. Bronx had started calling for me" Patrick responded.

"The doctors haven't said anything?" Joe asked.

"Naw. We've been here for thirty minutes" Pete said as he wrapped an arm around his husband's shoulder. Patrick instantly moved to rested his head into Pete's chest. He was so worried. What if something serious happened? He felt like a bad mom.

"I'm sure everything's gonna be okay. We'll just have to wait" Andy said. They all sat down and nervously waited.
After twenty minutes Cecilia walked into the room. She waved her hand for Pete and Patrick to follow her. They did and they walked down the hallway.

"So is Sally okay?" Patrick asked once they were outside her room.

"Yes. She is awake and perfectly fine. I just wanted to ask you guys some questions if you don't mind" she said.

"It's fine" Pete said as he held Patrick hand.

"So has she had a normal sleeping schedule?" Patrick nodded yes. "Normal eating?" Patrick nodded his head again. "Has she had any symptoms of being sick? Like a cold or fever?"

"No. She's been perfectly fine" Patrick responded.

"Was she put in a stressful environment at all?" Patrick looked at Pete with sad eyes. Just before Bronx started calling for his parents, they were arguing. It was pretty bad. It was about Pete wanting to tour soon and Patrick not wanting to.

"I suppose you can say that" Pete said to Cecilia.

"Do you think us arguing had caused it?" Patrick asked.

"It somewhat works with my theory. I believe Sally some thing called vasovagal syndrome"

Pete looked at with wide eyes and asked, "What's that?"

"Vasovagal syndrome is when someone faints do to being in a stressful situation. It's actually pretty common" she spoke.

"Is there anyway of fixing this?" Pete asked as Patrick just softly cried.

"The only solution is to keep her away from stressful environments. It's gonna be hard especially since she's young. Once she's in her preteens it'll be easier until then you'll have to keep an eye on her"

"Alright. Thank you" Pete said. Cecilia nodded her head and walked off. Patrick went into the room to be with Sally. She clapped her hands as soon as she saw her mother.

She was crawling now and trying to talk. Her and Bliss were always together. When they were separated they would cry. Thankfully when they left the kids with Brendon and Dallon, Bliss was asleep.

"Hi sweetie" Patrick sat on the bed she was on and lifted her to be in his lap. She made those baby gurgling nosies and she moved her hand to reach for her mom's hat.

Pete walked in and sat in the bed with them. Sally seemed perfectly fine which made the two happy. They had signed Sally out and Cecilia gave them some papers so they know more about the syndrome.

Andy and Joe felt bad about the news but glad that she was perfectly fine. The two couples went their separate ways to go home.

"Guess we'll tell them the news another time?" Andy said as he held one of Joe's hand in the car. Joe's other hand was on the steering wheel.

"For sure"

A/n: Sorry this is not so great and it took me forever to upload. I promise the next chapter will be better. We'll do a small time skip and there will be smut. Love you guys and thank you for reading.

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