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Patrick's little vacation was at its end. He just finished putting all his now clean clothes in his backpack. He and Pete headed to the airport and they walked in hand in hand.

They stopped by Patrick's gate and Patrick gave Pete a sad smile. He really didn't want to leave, but he didn't want to let the small amount of fans he had down.

Pete got on his knees in front of Patrick and started peppering kisses on Patrick's small baby bump that started forming. "Pete, What are you doing? People are staring"

"Kissing our baby goodbye" Pete rubbed the bump slightly not caring what people say.

"Shouldn't you be kissing me goodbye?" Patrick said pouting a little bit. Pete stood up and moved close to Patrick.

"Of course. I'd never forget about you" They shared a sweet kiss trying not to make out in public.

When they pulled apart Pete had his hand on Patrick's stomach. "So you told Butch right?"

"Yeah. He told the rest of the crew. Probably exaggerated about my mood swings" Pete laughed at that. He was going to say a joke about it, but then remembered mood swings.

Patrick's flight was called over the intercom which made Pete a little sad. If he could he would go with Patrick, but Butch said no.

"Remember to Facetime me every night after your show and promise me you'll take it easy. You rest when you have to and if that means canceling a show then so be it" Patrick smiled and nodded. He loved the fact that Pete cared about him and the baby's well being.

"I'll try to make a appointment soon. I'll try to convince Butch to let you fly in for it"

"I'll get a flight no matter what he says" Patrick smiled and rested his forehead against Pete's. They passionately kiss considering the fact they won't for two months.

"You should go. Don't want to miss your flight" Pete said once they pulled apart.

"Like you're any help Mr. Wentz" Patricked pecked his lips and then went to his gate. Pete watched him until he turned the corner.

Pete went home hating how quiet it is. Soon though he would hear little footsteps on the wood floors. He couldn't wait for that day. There's no doubt that Patrick would be there. Singing their buddle of joy to sleep.

Patrick was sitting against the window watching as clouds went by. He was thinking about everything that's in the future. He looked down at his bump that was slightly visible thanks to Pete's shirt. He fought the urge to cradle if since he didn't want to get weird looks from people. He soon just put some Bowie on and feel asleep.

*First Month Apart*

"Hey baby" Patrick said as Pete popped up on his screen.

"Hey gorgeous. How was your show?" Pete asked.

"Good. Always get positive vibes from New York"

"How's the baby been?"

"Good. Beside the fact he's been kicking my bladder non stop" Patrick said a little piss.

"He??" Pete said confused. He was positive that Patrick didn't know the sex since they agreed they would find out together.

"Yeah" Patrick said like it was nothing.

"How do you know?" Pete asked even more confused.

"I don't know. Guess it's like a mother instinct" Patrick said. He truly did think it was a boy. He wouldn't mind a girl at all, but he some what wanted a boy.

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