Sometimes You Just Need A Good Talk

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Pete drove over to Andy and Joe's since that was the only place he can truly go. He would of gone to the Iero's but they just had a new addition to the family. Pete  pulled into their driveway and grabbed his bag. He went and knocked on the door. Joe opened it and looked shocked to see Pete.

"Hey man. Didn't know you were coming over" he said letting his friend inside.

"Yeah. Sorry" Pete responded. Joe noticed the bag in Pete's hand.

"Is everything okay?" Joe asked scared.

"Sorta. I'll talk to you in a bit. Where the kids at?"

"They're in the living room watching TV" Pete nodded and walked in the direction. He went over and sat next to Dylan.

"Hey Little Sandwich" he said pulling him into his lap.

"Da" Dylan said as he wrapped his little arms around Pete.

"Hey Dad" Bronx said.

"Hey buddy" he messed up Bronx's hair as a hello.

"Where Mom?" Dylan asked looking up at his dad.

"Um, Mom is at home" he found himself looking into Dylan's eyes. They were a blessing and a curse to Pete at the moment cause they looked like Patrick's. He can imagine Patrick at home crying in their shared bed.

He placed Dylan back on the couch and went into the kitchen. Andy was cooking and Joe was standing next to him softly saying something.

"Hey guys" Pete said. He was debating on asking if they had any beer, but that's what caused him to be in this situation. He just went and sat on their counter top.

"So what's going on Pete?" Joe asked.

"Yeah why weren't you at the house earlier?" Andy said chiming in.

"Um I did something stupid last night. Patrick and I got into a fight that I now realize was over something stupid. I went to a bar and I got really drunk" he put his head in his hands as he continued. "I cheated on Patrick and I don't know what to do. He's really pissed and he sorta like kicked me out" he started crying the first time that day. "I don't wanna lose him and the kids. I don't know what I'll do without them"

"You are such an idiot, man" Joe said shocked.

"Dude that's not helping me" Pete said looking up at him.

"What was the argument about?" Andy asked.

"I had told him that I wanted to start recording another album so we can tour soon"

"And he said?" Andy pressed on.

"He said that he somewhat doesn't want to be in the band anymore. That he liked being home with the kids and how we're planning to have another baby"

"Well he's right, Pete" Andy spoke. "You guys have a family now and Joe and I are getting married next week. Plus we have plans that will interfere with touring. I mean we can make the music, but going on tour will be impossible"

"I know. I just...what should I do to get Patrick not to leave me?"

"Just give him time, bro. That's what I do when I get Andy mad" Andy nodded agreeing.

"Okay. So do you guys mind if I stay here for a few days?" Pete asked.

"It's cool, bro. Now go spend some time with your kids"
Patrick was still on the couch. He had ran out of tears so he was just sitting there. Now it was just all rage. He screamed frustrated and ran upstairs. All the way there he had grabbed all of Pete's paintings he had hanging and threw them on the floor. He ran to their bedroom and screamed again. He grabbed all the pictures of him and Pete on the floor causing there to be lots of broken glass.

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