We Need To Talk

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Andy just finished showering and came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Joe was laying in the bed with the remote in hand trying to find something to watch.

"Hey. Uh can we talk" Andy asked after he put on a pair of boxers and shorts.

"Uh yeah. Sure" Joe sat up on the bed as Andy sat on the bed criss cross.

"So I was just..um..." Andy really couldn't think of how to start the conversation.

"Is everything okay?" Joe asked seeing his fiancé having trouble with what he wants to say.

"Yeah. I was just wondering if you ever wanted kids" Andy thought that was a great way to start.

"Yeah. I mean I know we never talked about it, but I just assumed you knew I did" Joe shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing.

"Yeah well..uh.." Andy didn't know why he was so nervous. Maybe cause he feared that Joe actually didn't want kids. He just said that to make him happy. "I had gone to Patrick's doctor and uh.."

"Wait a second" Joe said interrupting. "Is this you telling me your pregnant?"

"No! Oh my god! No!" Andy quickly denied. "I'm just trying to tell you that I'm able to get pregnant. I'm just trying to somewhat tell you that I want to have a baby"

"Well I'm down for that. I mean imagine a little mixture of me and you."

"Oh my god. It'll be adorable. They can be best friends with Dylan" Andy smiled as he imagined the scene.

"If we have a girl we are keeping her away from that Wentz boy. I don't want my little girl getting unpurified by that Wentz charm" Andy laughed cause he knew Joe was gonna keep that promise.

Andy was gonna say something, but was stopped by a knock on the door. He raised an eyebrow cause he thought everyone had gone out to the club. He got up and went to see who it was.

It was Tyler.

"Hey man. What's up?" Andy asked.

"Hi. Uh. You know where Patrick's at?" Tyler asked putting his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, he went to the club with Panic" Andy told him.

"I was sorta guessing that. I guess I'll talk to him in the morning. I'll see you guys later" Tyler started walking back to his room, but Andy stopped him.

"Hey. You can come in and talk to us. I mean Patrick will most likely have a hangover in the  morning" Tyler nodded, accepting his offer, and walked into the room.

"Hey bro. How's it going?" Joe asked as Andy closed the door.

"I'm pregnant"

"What!" The couple yelled in shocked.

"Yeah. I really don't know what to do that's why I need to talk to Patrick"

"No" Andy said quickly as he walked over to sit on the bed. Tyler had sat down in one of the chairs in the room.

"Why not? He's the only one I know who's had a kid. Can't really ask Gerard since he's still pregnant and I don't really talk to him."

"You can't tell him. He will freak out" Joe said.

"Okay then you guys tell me what to do"

"Um. What's the problem?" Andy asked. He was sure he would have some answers due to him asking Patrick questions.

"What am I gonna do? How am I gonna tell Josh or his family? Oh my god! My family! How the heck am I gonna tell them?"

"First off you'll be okay. For the Josh thing, just tell him. I'm sure he'll be happy. As well as his family. And why you freaking out about telling your family?"

"Cause they believe that if you have a kid before being married to someone is like a sin or something" Tyler explained.

"Then get married" Joe said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What? No. I don't think Josh is up for that"

"What do you mean Josh is not up for it? For God sake you guys are already like a married couple. You guys are never apart"

"Alright then what about me giving birth? You know anything about that? Sure you don't"

"Actually I do" Tyler looked at him shocked. "You can either get a c-section or do natural. You have a higher chance of living if you do c-section"

"Wow. How did you know all this?" Tyler asked.

"Cause I started questioning Patrick alot" Andy said and Joe nodded.

"Well thanks for the help guys. I'm gonna head back to my room. I'm sure Josh is freaking out." Tyler started walking to the door then paused and looked back at the two.

"I promise I won't tell Patrick" after that he walked out.

Andy sighed and laid back on the bed. Joe looked at him and laid back with him. "Hopefully Patrick doesn't notice"

"You read my mind" Andy said. "He's bound to notice. I mean it's Patrick. He noticed when that one fan was pregnant before she even known"

"Oh shit. I remember that" Joe said.

They were playing in Atlanta and were doing a great and meet. They were saying hi to fans and taking pictures.

"Hey gorgeous" Pete said as he put his hands on Patrick's hip.

"Hi Pete" Patrick said wrapping his arms around his neck. "I'm tired" he buried his face in the crook of Pete's neck.

"Same" Pete noticed that another fan was heading their way so he broke the hug. He kissed Patrick quickly as a sorry.

"Hi. I'm Sara. It's great to meet you guys" she said. She looked to be in her early twenties and she had longish black hair.

"Great to meet you too" Pete said as he signed the picture that Joe and Andy already signed.

Patrick was watching her and noticed things. She was glowing slightly and she had a little stomach. She had this sparkle in her eye like the one Pete said he used to have.

"Hi" Patrick said once Pete passed the picture to him. "So how far along are you?"

"Um excuse me?" Sara asked with a confused look.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I just thought-I was just assuming you were pregnant. I mean you had that motherly glow and you had some extra weight. No offense." Patrick apologized real quickly.

"Oh my god. I just realized I was suppose to start my period two weeks ago. Oh my god! I'm pregnant!" She shouted excited and hugged Patrick.

"Um, its not 100% so you should maybe take a test" Patrick told her.

"Oh my god. Yes. Of course. This is huge though. My fiancé and I have been trying"

"Well Congratulations" Patrick said. When they took their picture, Patrick pointed at her stomach and made a shocked face.

"Hey. How did you know she was pregnant?" Pete asked late on that day.

"I just did" was all Patrick said.

*Flashback Ended*

"I swear. That kid is like a god with pregnancy."

"He's not really a kid anymore, Joe" Andy said. The two were cuddling on the bed.

"I know. Feels like yesterday when I met the short little guy in Borders."

"Feel like yesterday when me and you happened." Andy said.

"I would go back and relive our whole relationship"

"I would love to do that as well" Andy sat up and kissed Joe.

"So when do you want to start?" Joe asked before kissing him.

"Mmm. After we get married" Andy said kissing him again

"Jeez. I can't wait for that day"

A/n: So gonna start school tomorrow. Yay!! *Sarcasm* Not! I don't want to deal with people. So I'm gonna try to update soon. I'm working on my Freard fic and my other Peterick one. So those will be up soon. See you guys later and thank you for reading.

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