More Then I Bargained For

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The shows have been doing really good. Fans loved them which the guys loved cause they were worried no one will like them. Patrick's been pretty sad cause he missed his baby. Sure Pete and him will talk to Dylan every night, but Patrick wanted to hold him again.

Right now they were heading to Chicago. Patrick was so excited he was bouncing in his seat. Pete just smiled at his husband and held his hand.

Once they got to Patrick's family house, he ran off. Frank and Gerard were outside with Dylan and Bandit. Frank was playing with the kids while Gerard sat on the porch chair watching the three of them. Gerard would play with them, but Frank didn't want him to get hurt. Since the couple found out about the baby, Frank has been sure Gerard doesn't do anything dangerous.

"Da-da!" Dylan shouted as soon as he saw his Daddy. Patrick ran to him picking him up.

"I missed you so much, baby" Patrick said hugging his son.

"Miss Da-da" Dylan said.

"Hope you were good for Uncle Gerard and Frank"

"He was" Gerard said walking over to him. "Bandit and him have become the best of friends" Patrick put Dylan down so he can play with his new best friend.

"I can imagine. Look at you though" Patrick said to Gerard. He had a hand resting on his slightly big baby bump.

"I know. Four months now" Gerard said smiling.

"Wow. Just think that was me about a year ago" Patrick said remembering that he was still on tour when he was. God the struggle that was.

"Right. Crazy to know Dylan's gonna be 1 tomorrow"

"Right. My baby's growing up too fast"

"Look at my Little Sandwich" Pete shouted as he ran and picked up Dylan, who was giggling like crazy. "Look at how big you are. You better not be as tall as me" Dylan shook his head no. "Good. You can be taller then Daddy though. Everyone's taller then him"

"You're only two inches taller then me" Patrick said as Pete put Dylan on his shoulders.

"I know" Pete said walking over to Patrick. "Still love you" He kissed Patrick as Dylan was messing with his hair.

"Love you too" Patrick said through his smile.

"Sweetie, you're home" Patrick turned to see his mom coming his way to hug him.

"Hey mom" He said hugging her. He really missed his mom.

"Hello Pete" she said hugging her son-in-law. "How you been?"

"I'm doing good, Patricia" He said.

"How bout you, Rick?" She said looking at him. Patrick was lost in his thoughts. He was watching Frank and Gerard looking as happy as can be. Sure they were always happy, but they seem more then usual. Patrick knew it was because Gerard was pregnant. He remembered when him and Pete were like that. He wants it to go back to that.

"Patrick?" Patrick looked back at his mother again.

"I'm fine" he said before running inside.

"Hey Rick" Megan said as Patrick ran upstairs and locked himself in the bathroom. Megan ran upstairs to see what's wrong with her younger brother.

"Go play with Bandit, buddy" Pete placed Dylan down on the grass before heading inside to check on his husband. He was greeted to Kevin sitting in the living room. "Where's Patrick?"

"He ran upstairs. Megan's with him right now. What did you do to him?" He asked.

"Nothing" Pete went to sit down next to Kevin on the couch. "I think I know what's wrong though"

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