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It was finally the day Pete and Patrick have been waiting for. After a month of planning it was was the big day.

"Get the fuck up Pete!!" Joe yelled tugging the blanket that Pete held over his head.

"Let me sleep" Pete mumbled. Joe sighed and pulled out his phone.

"Hey babe. We got to go to plan B" Joe said one Andy picked up.

"Alright. Wait one moment" Andy ran upstairs to Pete and Patrick's room. Patrick was sitting on the bathroom counter waiting for the shower to warm up.

"Pete won't get up" Andy said handing the phone to him. Patrick shook his head. He knew he wouldn't want to get up. This is the first time the both of them didn't have to wake up at 3 a.m to take care of Dylan.

"Hey Joe" Patrick said.

"Putting you on speaker" Joe hit the button and held it by Pete so he can hear.

"Peter. It's time to get up" Patrick said in the soft voice he always used while trying to wake his fiancé/husband in a few hours.

Pete sat up quickly and grabbed the phone from Joe. "Hey baby"

Patrick smiled as he heard Pete's morning voice. "Hey. You better get a cup of coffee and start getting ready. You only have 2 hours"

"Alright. I'll see you soon baby. Love you"

"Love you too" Patrick hung up and handed the phone back to Andy. Once he walked out still talking to Joe, Patrick hopped into the shower.

Pete gave the phone to Joe and went to the kitchen to get coffee. He took a few sips and then started to get ready.

~~~1 Hour Later~~~

Pete was standing with Joe and Andy where they were suppose to. The couple decided to have a vintage type wedding so they are having it outside in a nice part of the woods. A lot of people where congratulating Pete and saying how excited they are. Pete just kept rubbing his hands together feeling really nervous. His mom tried to calm him down, but nothing could calm him. Only Patrick can.

Patrick was probably more of a nervous wreck. Hayley and Skye gave him a glass of champagne to calm his nerves, but it wasn't helping. He just wanted to see Pete and Dylan. Gerard and Frank were taking care of his baby boy which we was a little nervous about. Then he remembered that they raised Bandit so everything should be okay.

"Patrick. It's time" Hayley said smiling. Patrick nodded and took a deep breath this is what he's been waiting for. The girls walked out before him and then it was his turn. He had wanted his mom to walk him down, but she couldn't make it sadly. When it was his turn, he took another deep breath and walked down the aisle. Pete turned to look at Patrick and smiled.

Patrick was wearing a tan shirt and some black dress pants. He had a light brown jacket over that was perfect the the weather. He styled his now light brown hair up making it look fluffy. Pete fell in love with him all over again. As he was walking closer flashes of all the memories of Patrick went through his head.

Patrick was smiling back at Pete. He was wearing a similar outfit as Patrick but he wasn't wearing a jacket. Instead he was wearing a pair of suspenders. Pete held Patrick's hands once they stood in front of each other.

"You look gorgeous like always" Pete said smiling.

"You look handsome" Patrick said back. The two didn't really pay attention to what the minister were saying. They were just smiling at each other.

"Patrick you can say your vows" the minister said snapping the two out of their trace.

"Right. Um. So every since I met you I somewhat thought you were a jerk. Slowly I realized you weren't. I found myself falling for you and I tried to ignore it. That one night at my concert you were there and I finally admitted to myself that I loved you. That was also the night Dylan happened" Butch laughed lightly in the audience cause he knew exactly what that meant. "And I'm glad that he happened cause our baby boy brought us together. So I promise that everyday I will love you and our baby. Till death do us part" Patrick slid the ring on Pete's finger.

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