Home Sweet Home

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Patrick was getting dressed while Pete fed Dylan. They were finally leaving the hospital. Patrick came out wearing his skinny jeans and one of Pete's Angel and Kings shirt. He signed the release papers the nurse handed him and thanked Cecilia when they were walking out. There were a few paparazzi's, but nothing that the two couldn't deal with. Patrick put Dylan in the car seat Gabe put in and sat in the back with him as Pete drove.

Pete unbuckled the carrier and opened the door. Luckily Dylan was asleep so it was easy for Pete's plan. "Come on" Pete said to Patrick, leading the two upstairs. He opened the door to his game/music room.

"Oh my god Pete" Patrick said shocked. The room was painted a light blue and was decorated. There was a crib, a changing table, a toy chest, and some picture frames. Patrick looked at them to see pictures of Dylan in the hospital and some of either Pete or Patrick carrying him. "When did you do this?" He asked as Pete picked Dylan up and settled him into the crib.

"I had Gabe come do it. I owe him big time" Pete said moving the carrier.

"I love it" Patrick said heading to the crib to look at the sleeping Dylan. Pete came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. "He truly is perfect right"

"Yeah. He is. I'm so proud of you" Pete said kissing his neck. Patrick tilted his head slightly giving Pete more room. To be truthful, even though he just had a kid two days ago, he was pretty horny.

"Love you" Pete said still kissing his neck. Biting a little bit.

"Love you too" he breathed out.

"Marry me" Pete said against his neck. Patrick heard and stiffened a little bit.


Pete said his way up to his ear and whispered softly, "Marry me"

Patrick turned to look at him. "Are you being serious?" Patrick laughed feeling like he wanted to cry.

Pete reached into his front pant pocket to pull out the velvet box. He opened it with a slightly shaking hand and showed it to Patrick, who looked at it in shock. "Is this serious enough?"

Patrick wrapped his arms around Pete's neck and kissed him with excitement. Pete kissed back, but soon pulled back. "So is that a yes or a no?" Pete said slightly confused.

"What do you think?" Patrick said biting his lip.

"I don't know. That kiss could either mean a oh my god yes or a I'm kissing you to let you down easy" Patrick laughed lightly at him cause of how cute that whole sentence was. Why would he think he would let him down? He promised years ago he wouldn't.

He gave him a chaste kiss and said, "It's an oh my god yes."

Pete grinned widely and kissed him ago, feeling so happy. He was scared that he would say no. He put the ring on Patrick's finger after they pulled apart. It was a simple black engagement ring. Nothing too fancy for their ordinary life. Patrick kissed him again as soon as he looked at his hand. It started to get a little heated. "We should take this to the bedroom" Pete mumbled against Patrick's lips. He really didn't want Dylan to see his parents having sex on his third day coming into the world. Patrick nodded and the two headed to their room.

Patrick laid on his back as Pete got on top of him kissing him again. Patrick kissed back eagerly. Pete moved down to his neck again kissing and biting a little harder. "Oh Pete" Patrick moaned moving his hands Pete's shirt. He was scratching Pete's back lightly as Pete found his sweet spot.

Of course the moment was ruined by Dylan crying through the baby monitor. Pete pulled away and sat up so he was straddling Patrick. "Fuck" Patrick whined. "I wanted you to fuck me"

Pete laughed at the fact that he was actually whining. "I thought you weren't suppose to have sex till like a month"

"I know" Patrick said pouting. "But still"

"I'll be right back. I'm sure he's just hungry" Pete kissed Patrick real quickly and went to Dylan's room. I quickly made him a bottle and fed him. He burped him and he soon fell asleep again. Pete laid him back in the crib and left the door slightly cracked.

He walked back to the room to see Patrick asleep. "Knew this would happen" Pete stripped to his boxers and crawled into bed. He wrapped his arms around Patrick and soon fell asleep thinking about how great his days been.

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