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(2 Weeks Later)
Patrick woke up to hear crying. Not settle crying, but crying like wailing. He quickly got up and went to Dylan's room. He was in his crib crying like crazy.

"Baby's what's wrong?" Patrick said picking him up. He felt his forehead to find it burning hot. "Oh baby's" Patrick said rocking him in his arms. This was the first time Dylan ever gotten sick so Patrick somewhat didn't know what to do. He went down stairs and sat him on the couch as he ran back upstairs.

"Bronx, sweetie, wake up" Patrick said shaking the sleeping boy. "Time for school" Bronx sat up so Patrick left. He went back downstairs with the medicine for Dylan. He went to the kitchen to get a spoon and back to the couch.

He poured some of the bubblegum flavored medicine on the spoon and held it up to Dylan's mouth. "Come on. It'll help you feel better" Dylan turned his head away. "Come on. Be a good boy"

Dylan said, "no" and whacked the spoon. The liquid spilled on the floor and Patrick quickly cleaned it up.

"What's up with him?" Bronx asked coming downstairs fully dressed and his backpack on.

"He's sick and he won't take his medicine. Do you mind catching the bus today?" Patrick asked.

"Sure. Don't worry mom. I'll be careful" Bronx ran to Patrick and kissed his cheek before running out the door to catch the bus.

"Alright now. Let's try this again" Patrick said to himself as he poured more medicine.

"Alright open up" Patrick said holding the spoon out to the crying black haired boy.

"No!" Dylan yelled as he cried.

"Come on. Do it for mommy" Patrick reasoned.

"No! I want da!" He cried.

"Come on take the medicine" Patrick begged.

"No!" Dylan moved to face his back to his mom.

Patrick groaned frustrated and grabbed his phone. He dialed Pete's number and held the phone to his ear. After three rings Pete picked up.

"Hey Trick. What's up?" Pete mumbled into the phone.

"Can you come over?" Patrick said in an desperate tone.

"What's wrong? I just woke up" Pete said. Patrick can hear through the phone Pete sitting up in the bed.

"It's Dylan"

"Is he okay?" Pete asked in a scared frantic voice.

"Um he has a fever and he wants you" Patrick stated.

"Alright. I'll be there in five minutes" Pete said as he started getting dressed.

"Alright. The door will be unlocked" Patrick hung up and stood up. He grabbed Dylan and headed upstairs. He sat the still crying boy on the unmade bed. Patrick started getting dressed and brushed his teeth.

He picked up Dylan again and headed downstairs. "Are you hungry, baby's?"

Dylan shook his head and of course at that very moment he threw up on Patrick's shirt. Patrick closed his eyes and sighed frustrated. "Its like you're a month old again"

Patrick heard the front door opened and he turned to see Pete. "Perfect timing" Patrick said. "He just threw up on me"

"Let me see him. Go change" Pete said as he grabbed Dylan from Patrick's arms.

"Come on Little Sandwich. No need to cry" Pete said as he sat down on the couch. He just cried more into Pete's shirt. It was more like a whining cry.

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