We Danced

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Patrick was laying in the large bed that normally him and Pete slept in. Now it was just him. He honestly missed Pete a lot. He missed Pete hogging all the blankets, or Pete wrapping all his limbs around Patrick like a octopus, or the soft little noises he makes when he's getting a good night's rest.

Patrick sat up in the bed and was gonna get his phone. He found himself opening Pete's contact and forming a message. He realized what he was doing and he shook his head, feeling so stupid. He remembered what Meagan said. Make him beg.

So Patrick settled on grabbing his laptop. He did the one thing that always made him happy. Making some music on Garageband.

Soon he heard the bedroom door creek open. He looked to see that it was Bronx and Dylan. Bronx stood there with Dylan's hand in his. Dylan had his purple stuffed elephant in his other hand.

"What's wrong guys?" Patrick asked.

"Can we sleep in your bed tonight?" Bronx asked with big eyes.

"Pwease" Patrick couldn't help but smiled at how cute Dylan sounded. He nodded his head as he moved the laptop to the nightstand.

Bronx helped Dylan up to the bed since it was too high for him. Dylan immediately crawled over to curl into Patrick side. "Love Mom"

"Love you too, Dylan. And you too Bronx" he said wrapping an arm around the two.

"Sleepy song" Dylan asked. Patrick smiled and started singing the lullaby he always sang to him.

Halfway through they feel asleep, but Patrick kept singing. It was more to himself than anything. He found himself falling asleep with a smile on his face.
Pete was sitting in the guest room that Andy and Joe had. He had his songbook opened and crumpled papers around him. He was just writing random words. He found himself thinking about Patrick. About when they went on their first somewhat date back in 2005.

"Where are we going?" Patrick asked as he sat in the passenger seat of Pete's brother's car.

"Out. We need a break from all this fucking bullshit" Pete was driving pretty fast. Patrick was sure he was going over the speed limit.

"People are gonna worry since we didn't tell them we were leaving" Patrick reasoned.

"Dude, just shut up. Enjoy this. We probably won't be able to do this in the future. Just relax, Pattycakes" Pete went and higher the volume on the radio. He smiled as he realized it was Rancid blasting out the speakers. They found themselves singing the lyrics loudly and dancing. Pete would sometimes glance at Patrick and smile. He looked so perfect. He had his trucker hat on, but you can still see his hair blowing from the windows being down. He was doing these cute little dances that Pete couldn't help but smile.

He pulled into the hidden spot on top of the mountain. He parked the car and left the music on. He got out and sat on the hood of the car. Patrick followed and sat next to him.

"So this is what you wanted to do. Take me to the high school spot" Patrick said.

"What's the high school spot?" Pete asked playing dumb.

"You know. The spot where teenagers go to make out. This is the make out spot" Patrick said.

"Really? The make out spot?" Pete looked at Patrick smirking. He started moving closer to him.

"Yes" Patrick whispered as Pete's lips were close to his. Pete closed the small gap to kiss Patrick's soft lips. He deepened the kiss so it was all tongue and teeth. He placed his hands on Patrick's hips and Patrick had one hand tangled in Pete's hair and the other on his neck. Patrick laid down on the hood so Pete was leaning over him. Patrick broke the kiss since he needed to breath. Pete took the time to bite and kiss at Patrick's pale neck.

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