It's Patricks Big Day

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Patrick had been sitting on the couch watching this movie Pete said he watched over in New York. It was called SnowPiercer and it was pretty crazy. He had a bowl of popcorn resting on his bump. His stomach came in handy when he was eating on the couch. Bronx was in his room playing some games and Dylan was most likely with him. Dylan had grown attached to his older brother which Patrick loved. Patrick then heard little pitter patter. He looked to see it was Dylan entering the room with his now favorite stuffed giraffe.

He was wearing cute little sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt since it was a slightly cold day. Patrick smiled at the socks the boy was wearing. This morning he requested to wear the socks covered with pock a dots. Patrick wondered if Dylan sensed that one of his sister's middle name was gonna be Dot.

He climbed up onto the sofa and crawled over to Patrick. "Hi, baby's" Patrick said as the little boy moved to cuddle into his mom's side.

"Hi mom. Hi sis's" he said waving at Patrick then his stomach.

"What's wrong?" Patrick asked once he saw the sad look on Dylan's face.

"Miss Da"

"He's coming home tomorrow baby. He's gonna be home as soon as you wake up" Pete had got a late flight out in New York so he would be home before the kids were awake to go to school. He told Patrick that he would get a cab home so he wouldn't drive.

"Okay. Love mom" he said giving Patrick a side hug.

"Love you too, Dylan" Patrick kissed the top of his sons head and smiled. He loved this little boy so much it hurt.

"What watchin?" The little boy asked while looking at the screen with wide eyes.

Patrick felt the movie was too bloody for his one year old son so he grabbed the remote and changed it. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's"

Dylan clapped his hands happy and hugged his stuffed giraffe as he watched the cartoon. Dylan then got up to get some toys. He grabbed one of Bronx's hot wheels. He was rolling it next to Patrick on the couch. He then handed it to his mom.

"Look it watch" Patrick got the toy car and rolled it along his large bump while making car noises. Patrick smiled as the boy giggled and said, "Again! Again!" 
Pete got out of the cab with his suitcase behind him. He payed the taxi guy and thanked him. He pulled out his keys for the house and quietly opened the door. It was 5 AM and he knew Patrick and the kids were still asleep. He softly placed his suitcase by the front door and headed to the master bed room.

He opened the door and looked to so Patrick soundly asleep. He was laying on his side and his hand was cradling his stomach. Pete walked over and bent down to be face to face with his husband. He smiled softly and kissed the strawberry blondes forehead. He didn't mean to wake up Patrick, but his eyes fluttered opened to see Pete.

"Hi, Petey" Patrick sleepily murmured.

"Hi, Pattycakes" Pete said back. Patrick smiled and moved his hand so he can hold his husband's, who he missed dearly. "I missed you, baby"

"I missed you too" of course at that moment the twins kicked. "So did the girls"

Pete smiled and moved his face down to his stomach. "Hey girls. Dad's back and I'm staying. I'm not leaving again juice boxes" Patrick smiled down at Pete who was leaving butterfly kisses against his stomach.

Pete then moved up to kiss Patrick. It was a soft kiss, but Patrick deepened it. He moved one of his hands to tangle into Pete's blonde hair. When Pete first said he was dying it, Patrick thought he would look weird. Fuck was he wrong though. Now his black roots were coming in which made him look even more hot.

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