Dylan Kingston Wentz

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Pete had been pacing the hallway. He would of went out to the waiting room, where the guys were, but they would ask question. He didn't want to talk. He just wanted to know his Patrick is okay. He knew Dylan had to be okay considering the fact he already filled out the birth certificate. He couldn't live without Patrick. He finally sat down against the hall wall. He watched all the nurses walking by. Going to help other patients or trying to go take a break.

"Pete" he looked to see Cecilia. He quickly stood and went to her.

"Is he okay?" Pete asked right away.

"He's fine. He's heart stopped from the pushing. He used a lot of energy and plus the blood lost. You are very lucky Peter" she said. She patted his shoulder and walked away. Pete walked into the room to see Patrick just laying in the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey" Pete said walking to be next to Patrick.

Patrick looked at him and gave a small smile. "Hey" he stayed quiet for awhile then said, "I'm sorry for scaring you"

"It okay babe" Pete said holding Patrick's hand. "You're okay so I'm okay"

"I love you Peter"

"I love you too Patrick" they kissed, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to bring this little guy in" the nurse said pushing a carrier into the room. Patrick's eyes lit up with happiness as he heard his baby cry a little bit. She picked him up and careful placed him in Patrick's arms.

"Hey, baby's" Patrick said softly bouncing his baby cause he was a little fussy. Patrick felt like crying. Not cause he was sad because he was happy. Happy to final hold his child. Their child. The one that kicked him nonstop, that Pete told the same story to, and the one that they though would never happen.

Pete was looking at their child feeling the same way. He already loved his son so much. He had Patrick's gorgeous eyes and his lips. He had Pete's hair and his nose. He looked perfect. Everything Pete has ever imagined. Maybe even better.

"Hi Dylan. I'm your Daddy. The one you've been kicking" Patrick laughed as some tears escaped the corner of his eye. Dylan moved his arms causing the blanket to free his little hands. He reached up at Patrick so he moved him so he was holding him with one arm to let him wrap his hand around Patrick's finger. "He's perfect Pete" Patrick looking at him.

"I know. Everything I wished for" Pete said smiling down at Dylan. The nurse told the new parents that Dylan's bottle was in the carrier if he gets hungry. She then walked out to let the new enjoy their child.

"You wanna hold him?" Patrick ask

"No. I'm good. You hold him" Patrick knew how Pete was scarred to hold kids. He never held Bronx when he was a baby. Except for the one time, but he ended up freaking out an almost dropped him.

"Here" Patrick said placing Dylan in his boyfriends arms.

"What? No. I'm good. You hold-" Pete cut himself off when Dylan was fully in his arms. He just stared down at those gorgeous eyes. The same ones he feel in love with years ago and still is. Dylan started crying lightly and Pete sorta freaked out cause he didn't know what to do.

"Just rock him a little bit" Pete didn't know exactly how. He did know what speed would calm the baby down. So Patrick slowly moved Pete's arms tell he got the hint. Dylan stopped crying and just looked up at Pete.

"Hi. I'm your other Daddy. The one that help make you"

"Peter" Patrick interrupted. A gave Pete a warning face and Pete knew never to say that again.

"I'm the Daddy that you hear talking to you. Tell you the story" Dylan started crying again so Patrick reached out for him.

"Get me the bottle" Pete retrieved it and gave it to him. Patrick feed Dylan and Pete just smiled. Patrick look like a natural dad? Mom? Whatever. It just looked like Patrick was in his element. He was meant to care for children. "You should go tell the guys. They probably are worrying" Pete nodded and kissed both their foreheads and walked out.

He went to waiting room and Brendon and Gabe stood up as soon as they saw him.  Pete laughed lightly, but you can hear all the joy in that little noise. He nodded his head and said, "I'm a dad" The guys hugged him feeling the joy as well. They were both scarred for their friends. The knew the risk Patrick had of giving birth. They were ecstatic to know he lived.

The went back to the room to see Patrick burping Dylan. "Oh let me see the little guy" Brendon said quietly.

Patrick gave him to Pete since he didn't trust Brendon holding his child. "This is Dylan Kingston Wentz" Pete introduced.

The two friends smiled as the looked down at Dylan. The child just stared at them with huge eyes in wonderment. "He's beautiful" Brendon said.

"He's gonna get all the ladies when he's older" Gabe said. Making them laugh. He looked at him a little longer till he let out a little yawn.

"Let me see him" Patrick said. Pete handed him over and watched the two. The most important people in his life right now. Patrick started rocking him and then started singing.

Honey is for bees, silly bear
Besides, there's jelly beans everywhere
It's not what it seems in the land of dreams
Don't worry your head just go to sleep

It doesn't matter how you feel
Life is just a Ferris wheel
It's always up and down
Don't make a sound

When you wake up the world will come around
When you wake up the world will come around

It's just the sweet weather and the peacock feathers
In the morning, it will all be better
It's not what it seems in the land of dreams
Don't worry your head just go to sleep

When you wake up the world will come around
When you wake up the world will come around

Honey is for bees, silly bear
Besides there's jelly beans everywhere
It's not what it seems in the land of dreams
Don't worry your head just go to sleep

Brendon recorded the whole thing. Pete somewhat wondered where he got a video camera from. He could care less though. He was just staring at the man he loves caring for their little sandwich.

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