Dylan's Birthday

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"Da-da" Dylan said looking up at his sleeping daddy. Pete had came up stairs late last night to see his husband holding their son asleep.

Dylan moved his little hand up to put on his daddy's face. "Da-da"

Patrick opened his eyes to see his little boy looking up at him with his green blue eyes. "Hi baby. Happy birthday" he leaned down and kissed the top of his fluffy black hair.

"Good morning you two" Pete said smiling at them. He got out of bed to get dressed. Patrick sat up with Dylan watching Pete.

"You didn't sleep did you?" Patrick knew his husband way to well. He knew he didn't from the way he was moving.

Pete stopped and looked at Patrick. "No" he said quietly.

Patrick knew Pete was still feeling guilt. He wish he didn't. "Well, me and this little guy are gonna get some breakfast"

Pete stood there and watched them walk out of the room. He sat down on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath.

"Just don't think about it for a day Pete. Today's your sons day" Pete told himself.

He headed downstairs to see everyone sitting at the dinning room table. He went to sit next to Patrick who was watching Dylan eat while having a cup of coffee.

Pete grabbed a plate to get some pancakes. Then he sat down next to Dylan's other side.

"So what do you guys have planned today?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know. Probably going into town for awhile" Patrick told his brother.

"That sounds like fun. When you guys come back we can give the little guy his cake and presents" Megan said.

*Time Skip*

"I'm shocked not many fans are coming up to us" Patrick said as they were walking around town. They had drove a little further so they could be by the ocean.

"Maybe cause they know its our Little Sandwich's birthday" Pete said as he kissed the top of Dylan's head. "Let's go walk on the beach"

"I don't know, Pete" Patrick never was a fan of the beach, but then he saw his son looking at the water in wonderment. "I guess we can. Dylan's never got a chance to"

Pete smiled and the little family started walking on the beach. Dylan kept pointing at the water so Pete went to put his little feet in the water. He wasn't a fan.

He liked the sand though. Dylan had plopped down and would get a fistful of sand and watch it slip through his fingers. Pete was crotched down watching his son.

Patrick thought it would be a perfect picture so he pulled out his phone to capture it. He posted it on Instagram and captioned it, 'Dylan Kingston Wentz today you are one. I'm so happy to gave birth to you even though it hurt pretty bad. Me and @petewentz love you very much. Happy birthday baby'

While Patrick was doing that Pete couldn't help, but to start thinking bad things. Thinking about if he had another little baby boy or girl next to Dylan. About how much he'll love em. He looked up at Patrick, who was on his phone typing, and started thinking how he went to the doctors by himself. He wondered if he was in as much pain as he was when he gave birth to Dylan. Maybe he didn't feel it all. Was he crying? Was he sitting there in silence? He wanted to ask him all these questions so bad.

"Pete? Pete?" Patrick had notice Pete looking up at him with sadness in his eyes. "Pete?"

"Yeah" he said getting out of that sad place his mind went to.

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