Good to Bad

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For the past month the tour had been going good. Tyler had talked to Josh and they decided to listen to Andy and keep the pregnancy a secret. Patrick and Pete were doing pretty well. Patrick had gone to go back to his habit of drinking which wasn't so great.

Almost every night, him and Brendon would drink a whole bunch of beers and take a bunch of shots. Majority of the times Pete went to his bunk so he wouldn't have to deal with the drunk and horny Patrick out there. Every time he woke up Patrick would be pressed against him asleep.

At the moment they were in San Francisco. Pete and Patrick decided to go out to eat before the show.

"Three more shows and we're done" Pete said as they were starting to walk back to the venue.

"Thank god." Patrick said as he held Pete's hand.

Pete looked at Patrick as they kept walking. He still was skinny, but started to get a stomach. "Trick can you not drink tonight"

"Yeah. I mean I probably should start cutting back" Pete smiled and the two finally got to the venue. There was a line outside and people stated screaming at the fact they were seeing them.

"Hope you guys like the show" Patrick said to the fans. They went back stage to see everyone in the large backstage room.

"Tyler you can't climb that high" Josh said.

"But I want to. I won't get hurt" Tyler argued.

"I'm not letting you take that risk." Josh said.

"Joshua, I'll be fine. I mean I've been climbing my whole life" Tyler said pissed off.

"I get you have, but I don't want you getting seriously hurt. You or the baby" Patrick looked up at that. How could he not noticed? Tyler had gained weight and he heard him crying the other night. He had that glow the other day, but he just guessed it was the way the sun was hitting him.

"Patrick!" Tyler shouted as Patrick got up and ran out the room. He ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

Pete ran after him and started knocking on the door. "Patrick! Baby! Open up the door!"

"Go away Pete!" Patrick yelled through the door. He was sitting on the floor crying.

"Baby please" Pete didn't get a response so he started to get worried. "Talk to me please. You don't have to open the door just tell me you're okay"

"I'm just... I'm hurting so much" Patrick was still crying and he started feeling this pain that was familar.

"What do you mean you're hurting? Did you hurt yourself? Please tell me you didn't" Tyler gasped and Pete turned to see that Panic and TØP where watching him.

"No...I just...remember everything and I'm scared"

"Why you scared?" Pete didn't get a response. "Baby why you scared?" Pete asked again. "Are scared it's gonna happen to Tyler? To you?"

Pete still didn't get a response and he was freaking out. He laid on the floor so he can see through the small crack at the bottom of the door. He saw Patrick on the floor passed out.

"Shit!" He stood up and started pounding on the door with his fist. "Patrick baby! Get up!"

"Here I have a key" a roadie came over after Josh had ran to find someone. Pete quickly started unlocking the door and then ran in.

"Baby" he kneeled down and put Patrick in his lap. "Wake up please"

Pete checked his pulse on his neck to find that his heartbeat was slightly there.

"Shit. Someone call an ambulance!" Pete started shaking Patrick slightly hoping that will make him wake up.

"Come on baby. Get up."

"Pete" Brendon said softly.

"Please baby. I need you"

"Pete" Brendon said a little louder.

"What! What do you want Brendon!" Pete yelled.

"He's bleeding" Brendon pointed and Pete looked in the direction. Right on his crotch of his pants.

Pete instantly knew why Patrick was scared. He put his hand over his mouth and started crying. "No" he cried out. "No baby"

"What's going on?" Brendon whispered to Andy.

"I believe their going through it again" Brendon looked at Pete with sad eyes.

The ambulance arrived and quickly took Patrick. Pete walked out with him and fans were asking what's going on. Pete road with Patrick to the hospital. All he can hope is that it really wasn't happening. Hoping this was all a dream.

A/n: Sorry so short. Next chapter should be eventful. Also comment if you want me to have a side book for the Joshler baby. Anyway  comment any ideas you have or just your opinion on this chapter. Love you all.

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