Moonlight Guitar

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This poem is a poem that I wrote based on a picture in ELA class. Yes, I wrote this poem in school. Our teacher had a selection of photographs to choose from, told us to pick one, and write about them/ describe them using our five senses. And for our hear, touch, smell, and taste sense, we had to pretend we were in the scene of the image.

I had a picture of a man sitting in grass playing a guitar. The picture was shadowed/dark and in black and white so you couldn't see his face, or the color of anything. But you could still see the shades given off from the photo. There was a tall dark tree, crows gliding across the sky and sitting in the tree, and the moon hidden half way behind the clouds. Enjoy the poetry.


Title: Moonlight Guitar, Written: 9/13/13

The moon hides,

behind dark clouds

Peeking at me

Black crows


They make loud noises

And interrupt the sounds

Of the guitar strums

Being faintly played

The fresh grass beneath my feet

Dances to the wind

Surrounding the tree

That stands tall

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