"Look, I did what I could. She doesn't know anything. She isn't valuable to us." I explained. I watched his face go from thoughtful to stone in seconds. He inched around the desk to stand right in front of me.

"But she is valuable to you."

My blood boiled and I had the urge to smash his face in. My fists clenched and my jaw tense, and I glared at him, ready to strike. He noticed my body change and chuckled to himself.

"You are affected by her. And a man of your looks and charm probably has her in the palm of your hands. Use it."

I stared at him in disbelief. He walked back around the desk and I finally had the balls to stand up.

"Mason, I won't. I won't use her like that." I said, but my voice was shaky and almost pathetic. He turned to face me, his hands on the desk.

"You will. I don't care what you have to do."

"Why have you got it out for Aubrey?" I snapped at him. He walked around the desk again to stand in front of me. He is taller than me, built, and intimidating.

"That is none of your fucking business!" I yelled in my face. His breath was hot and smelled like cigarettes. "You will ask no more questions. Now get out!" He pointed towards the door.

I walked out of the room and slammed the doors shut. My heart was pumping as adrenaline coursed through my veins. I ran my fingers through my hair violently until I couldn't hold onto my sanity. I punch at the wall in front of me. The sting and pain relieved me and I felt my body tense.

I walk back down the hallway and round the corner. I walked into a room where a few other people were sat eating. The sight me raised eyebrows and I rolled my eyes at them. I finally found the kitchen and ran my hands under the faucet. The cool water eased the sting in my hand and my bloody knuckles.

"Need some help?"

I turned around only to see Myah. She walked up next to me, grabbing a hold of my wrist and keeping it under the water. She grabbed a cloth and pressed it to my knuckles; I winced in pain. She grabbed a first aid kit from atop the fridge.

"Punching walls is not a very healthy thing to do to relieve anger." She smirked at me. She retrieved some ointment and put it on my cuts. I stared at her as she concentrated in playing nurse. She is being very kind and caring, like how she used to be. But I know better.

Her brown eyes met mine and I looked away. She sighed.

"Why won't you look at me?" She asked. She stepped closer to me. "You used to always look at me. You would smile when you saw me." She placed her hands on my hips, keeping me against her.

"I know you still want me."

I ripped her hands from me again and stepped back. "I don't want you anymore."

"Ugh, what does she have that I don't?" Myah yelled at me. She slammed her hand down on the counter, her eyes blaring into mine.

I brushed pass her out the kitchen, leaving the frustrated girl alone. I can't deal with her right now. It's bad enough I'm pulled back into Mason and his bullshit, but now I have to deal with her.


I quickly brushed my teeth and spit the foamy paste into the sink. I located the brush and began to detangle my hair. The struggle

of having curly hair. I wish I had straight hair, it would make things a lot easier.

I looked over to Louis, who was still asleep in the bed. Poor Louis. He is just really upset. I don't understand why he keeps thinking that what happened with Nicole was partly his fault. He is so hard on himself. None of what happened is his fault, I wish he would understand that.

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