7 - Disciplinary room

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I was gazing at him for over some 30 seconds, I could not recognize this face, mmm black haired guy.

Oh, he looks around 5'10 or 5'11, hmmmm, and that tan skin peeping out of his bottle green and black checked shirt and top of that blue jeans. He looked like an Egyptian God..

Wait, what am I doing? I was totally checking out this guy, in the middle of a fight?

"Daniel, what the hell are you doing here and how come you are opposing me, you are in my class!!" Gino spoke out and his voice sounded like he knew this black haired guy very well.

Wait, his name is Daniel, it does suits his look.

"Ria, we have to call your brothers, now!!" Sally ran to me and brought me back to the reality.

"Gino, I don't know what's between you and this kid, but how come you gone so low to hit a small boy?" Daniel was questioning Gino's morality while he put his arms crossed.

 "And who are those guys running towards us?" Daniel looked towards the other end of the locker row and this made us all turn to the direction he was looking at and I saw 3 of my brothers Alex, Andy and John running towards us.

How come they get to know about this wary situations in the first place?

"The Wilson brothers," Gino answered to Daniel's murmuring and I was sure to see a hint of wary on his face. He was strong but also knew how much possessive my brothers get with anything related to me.

"So you know them? Cool... then you should clear your mess yourself Gino," Daniel taunted Gino and moved away from corridor towards the senior classes.

Wait, he was leaving? But I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to thank him for saving Joe and me, I just put a foot forward to call him back and I heard my brothers calling Joe's and my name.

"Hey Ria, Joe, what's going on here? Are you alright?" John asked me and I turned to him. I could feel his worry when he placed his hands by the side of my arms.

Andy and Alex were by our side and Alex started moving towards Gino when he saw him leaving the place slowly.

 "Hey you punk, what the hell are you doing here, huh? You dared bothering Ria and Joe?" Alex questioned Gino in full authority and Gino turned back and showed his fake confidence filled with venom, "I can be wherever I want and I can do, whatever I want!!" He spilled out the last three words loud and separate, clearing out his intentions.

"Then be prepared to face the consequences too" Andy said this and punched on Gino's face, quite hard and Gino stumbled to his left to take support of the lockers.

"Andy stop!!" I and John shouted at the same time, but what done was done. But Alex, Sally and Joe looked quite happy. Even I was little content inside.

"What the hell are you all doing here? Andy, Gino and all of you in my office, now!!" Mr George, the disciplinary incharge of our school arrived there suddenly and thankfully stopped the fight, which might have got intense if Gino fought back. 

Mr. George was an old man, quite lazy to roam in the school premises but was very strict if someone was caught by him doing any nuisance. He moved towards his office in a slow pace and we started following him.

Gino was walking at the front and John was behind, talking to Andy and Joe to know the full incident. Being the eldest at this moment, he had to take care of the situation and Andy.

  "Why couldn't Mr. George come at the start of the fight. I wish Andy is not dragged into any kind of punishment." Sally told me and I prayed for the same.  

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