46|| End

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I do apologise for such a shitty wait for this chapter. Shit has been hectic lately! I'm currently trying to deal with a personal loss and stress. I hope you enjoy and remember; I love you all! 💕

Final chapter for Naked Love! Argh so emotional and the way this chapter ends, there's an opening for a sequel which I *might* do. Really depends. But please, enjoy this chapter as it'll be really long and guys, thank you so much for the amount of views and comments!! I love your feedback and I love every single one of you that have kept this story going!! 💕 it is sad to see this book end, but unfortunately it must be done. Love you all! 😔💝💓

Adam sat down on his leather couch and sighed. He ended up postponing the wedding for an extra week. But it is now tomorrow. He's been so grumpy lately and Tommy said it's for the best. His mom still hasn't talked to him since Neil's death... Adam didn't know how he died until a few days ago, he was in a car accident which led him to bleed out while waiting for the ambulance. Adam doesn't believe that he died like that, Neil was always extra careful when driving, and even then he rarely drove anyway.

He is currently home alone, Sauli went shopping with Allison and Tommy, taking Säde with him while he can rest in peace and quiet. Tommy and Allison are together finally. They still don't know what gender their baby is, but will find out soon. Tommy has finally cleaned himself up and even lives with Allison. Adam couldn't be more proud of how far his best friend has come. Sauli... He still doesn't trust Adam and Tommy alone, but Adam doesn't really blame him.

The nightmares are slowly coming back. It's causing Adam to not sleep for days on end. Every time he sleeps, he wakes up crying. But the dreams in which he's dying are the best he's ever had. (References!) It's been getting so bad that Adam would refuse to lay his head on the pillow. Sauli has been trying to help as much as he can, but he's been so stressed out with Säde lately he can't always be there for Adam. He truly was getting better... But the darkness always comes back.

"We're back!" Tommy's voice booms from the hallway. Adam dragged himself out of his thoughts and placed a fake smile upon his lips, trying hard not show that he would break down into tears right there and then. "Adam, have you been sleeping? You don't look very good." Tommy says once he sees Adam.

Adam chuckles. "You'll learn the hard way when you have a baby around." His eyes lock onto Sauli who simply shakes his head and walks into the kitchen. "How was shopping?" Adam says, completely changing the subject as he stands and takes Säde into his arms.

"Remind me not to shop with Tommy again." Allison laughs gently. "He is the worst, deciding what colours would be good, what toys would be good, it's a nightmare."

"Why not wait until you know the sex of the bubba?" Adam questions, letting Säde nibble at his finger.

"Because we want everything to be ready for when peanut comes along!" Tommy giggles gently. Sauli came back out from the kitchen.

"Don't worry, Tommy already has a name for peanut if it's a boy." He smiles gently.

Adam laughs. "Not even three weeks into the pregnancy? Really, Tommy?"

"Hey, I like to be prepared!" He defends. "And it's the perfect name."

Allison groans. "We are not naming our child Marilyn Manson!"

"Fine." Tommy pouts. "How about Jimi Hendrix?"

"Tommy!" Allison laughs, gently hitting his arm. "Okay, Tommy and I need to go home and unpack our shopping." She smiles warmly, giving Adam a side hug.

"Alright, drive safe." Adam replies.

Once they leave, he sits down on the couch next to Sauli. There's nothing but silence... Adam stands back up and walks to his bedroom, putting Säde to sleep in her bassinet.

Naked Love|| SaulbertWhere stories live. Discover now