41|| Tommy's Drug Use & Downfall

151 8 10

December 20th * 3 months until the wedding
3rd person POV
Tommy danced around the kitchen with Säde in his arms. Adam and Sauli asked him if he wanted to be Säde's godfather and Tommy said yes in a heartbeat. He loved Säde like the world. It had already been a week and a bit since Adam and Sauli brought their little girl home. Adam decorated the spare room that was just across from his and Sauli's room and made it perfect for their daughter.

"Adam, Lelia has been trying to call." Sauli spoke softly, walking towards Adam who was making a bottle for Säde.

"She can keep calling, I don't want a bar of it." Adam groaned. Tommy handed Säde to Adam so he could feed her. Adam sat down on the couch, watching as Säde fed.

"Adam, what if it's important?" Sauli sighed.

"I don't care, Sauli. She had her chance and she blew it."

"She's your mother, Adam."

"I am not going to allow her to be apart of this family, not after the way she treated me!"

The room went silent. Adam's phone starting ringing again. Sauli handed it to Adam.

"Please, just see what she wants, Adam." He spoke softly. Adam huffed, taking the phone and answering it.


"Adam, it's Mom."

"I know who it is, what do you want?"

"I want to speak to you, to apologise for the way I have treated you. Adam, I know you probably hate me but please, can we talk?"

"Then talk."

"I want to be apart of your life, I am your mother and the way I have spoken to you and treated you was unfair on you and Sauli. I want to apologise for everything, Adam. Neil told me you have a daughter. He saw a tweet about it. I am very proud of you, Adam. Can I see you? So we can talk this out like adults?"

"Fine... Come over and we can talk. I'm busy feeding Säde."

"Okay, I'll be over in about half an hour. See you soon."

Adam simply hanged up, not bothering to say goodbye. He threw his phone down next to him and put Säde over his shoulder to burp her.

"So, she's coming over?" Tommy questions, sitting down next to Adam. He simply nodded, wiping Säde's drool.

"Was that so hard?" Sauli chuckled.

"If I sort things out with mom, you sort things out with your dad. I want us to be a family that isn't torn." Adam spoke softly, he handed Säde to Tommy again and saw his eyes light up as he started cradling her.

"My dad doesn't want to know me, Adam." Sauli sighed. "You know that."

"I do not want our daughter to grow up without grandparents!" Adam snapped. "I want her to have a normal family, something I never got."

"She will have a normal family, Adam. She just won't have a grandfather. I'm pretty sure she can live without one." Sauli snapped back.

"Guys, calm down!" Tommy groans. "She's asleep!"

Adam looked over to Tommy to see Säde fast asleep. He sighed as he carefully removed her from Tommy's hands.

"I'll take her upstairs." Adam spoke quietly. "Mom should be here soon." He said as he walked up the stairs carefully.

He entered Säde's room and placed her down in her cot, she started to stir and then cry. Adam groaned as he picked her up again and sat down on the rocking chair, trying to get her to sleep. She calmed down as soon as Adam rocked and started humming. He loved Säde like the world and he didn't want her to grow up feeling the way he did. He wants to do everything for her so she doesn't end up like that. Adam could already tell that he was going to be the tough parent because Sauli is too kind and has never liked telling kids off, especially that one time Bridget got to his favourite leather jacket with scissors. Sauli didn't yell or discipline her, he simply laughed and said he didn't even like the jacket, even though it was a lie.

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