36|| There Is No Getting Over You

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Hey guys! So I think I have messed up with the whole time frame in this with all the months, I obviously can't seem to count! Haha, please try and ignore the times and stuff, we're in October, so keep that in mind! :) xox

"Tommy!" Adam calls out loudly, impatiently standing at the foot of the stairs. "You're going to be lat to your own party!" He groans, moments later he sees Tommy running down the stairs.

"Does this look okay?" He smiles softly. Adam raises his eyebrows.

"When do you ever care what you look like?"

"Allison is back today and she's going to be there!" Tommy groans. He quickly looked at Adam as he realised he had said.

"Does Tommy have a crush?" Adam smirks. "I didn't know you fancied Allison?"

"I don't so let's drop it." He mutters, grabbing his keys and heading out to the car where Sauli was waiting.

"Took long enough." Sauli laughed as Adam got into the front and Tommy in the back.

"Tommy wanted to look his best for Allison." Adam coos.

"I will kill you, Lambert." Tommy frowns, picking his hair from his shirt.

"Don't be ashamed of it, Tommy. Be proud that you like her!" Sauli chuckled softly. Adam nodded his head in agreement, letting the sound of the radio fill the silence.

Adam kept his glance out the window, it has been almost 2 months since he's been out of hospital and he feels so much happier and carefree. Adam looks down on his leg to see Sauli's hand rested there, his left hand steering the car carefully, Adam observed his boy friend carefully, he had a small smile on his lips and his head was gently moving to the sound of an unfamiliar song.

"You guys don't mind if I change the station do you?" Adam asked, glancing at Tommy in the back.

"That's fine with me." Tommy smiled, Sauli nodded.

As Adam changed the station, he heard the familiar sound of Queen's, We Will Rock You. Tommy laughed as he danced awkwardly in the backseat.

"WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!" Adam belted out, causing Sauli and Tommy to stare at him.

"Your voice has gotten even better, what the fuck, Adam?" Sauli spoke in astonishment.

Adam looked down shyly. "Really?"

"Hell yeah! Keep going!"


"Adam, I seriously think you should get back into singing." Tommy spoke, the music was turned down and now everyone was getting serious. "You can't just release one song and disappear, they want more!"

"I agree, babe." Sauli spoke, both of his hands were on the steering wheel as they turned onto Tommy's street. "We can talk about it later." He smiled, pulling up into Tommy's drive-way and turning off his ignition.

All three got out of the car and into Tommy's apartment, Lisa was already there fixing a few things up.

"Oh the prodigal child is finally here!" She laughs, hugging Tommy.

"He was more focused on his outfit than his time limit." Adam laughed as Lisa hugged him, hugging Sauli next.

"Well you're lucky you're here because people should start arriving soon!" She smiled.

"Uh, do I even know any of these people?" Tommy frowns, he doesn't recall inviting anyone he knew, he didn't even want a party.

"Nope! Just picked randoms off the street." Lisa says seriously before laughing. "I'm kidding, loosen up, these are all people we know. But no children because it's an adult party! And you know how hard it is to find a babysitter on a Tuesday night? So I think you should appreciate this!"

"Think he'll only appreciate it if Allison arrives." Adam smirks, earning a light whack from Sauli.

"Adam!" He glares. "Be nice." Adam simply holds both his hands up in protest and walks towards the fridge, pulling out four beers.

"You like Allison?" Lisa nudges Tommy softly, smiling at Adam as he hands her a beer.

"Can we just drop it?" Tommy chuckles softly, opening his drink.

"Hey, TJ, in all seriousness, can I talk to you alone for a moment?" Adam asks, Tommy nods as they disappear down the hallway.

"Is everything okay?" Tommy asks, picking his label off his beer.

"I need to ask you something." Adam says, glancing at Sauli who was too busy talking to Lisa to notice. "I want to marry, Sauli." Adam says quietly.

Tommy almost chokes on his drink. "Adam!" He glares. "Not to be the party pooper but are you sure you guys are ready? You're still both walking on eggshells."

"You don't think I should?" Adam questions, his eyes staying down.

"Adam, I want you to but I think just wait a bit, yeah?"

"Yeah, it was a stupid thing to talk about." Adam sighs.

Tommy groans. "It's not stupid, just foolish to jump into a commitment that huge when you're both still working it out." Adam sighs, he knew Tommy was right.

"Thanks, man." Adam smiles softly. "Listen, you aren't going to be with Allison just to get over me, are you?" Adam questions.

Tommy chuckles. "There is no getting over you, Adam Lambert." He walks back into the kitchen, joking Sauli and Lisa's conversation.

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