Tale of an Angry Bin Man

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So, as you can possibly tell by this title, this section is going to focus on an event which happened.

An event which involved a man, who was feeling the emotion of anger and arguably uncontrollable rage.

This event also involved bins.

And this is the story of the Angry Bin Man!

I've just been picked up from school along with my brother and our friend/cousin.

You know what I mean, you have those family friends who are so close to your family that you basically are family? Yeah that.


We're sitting in the car, going to drop our friend off home. So when mother dearest drives the car down a street we use as a shortcut we don't expect to see this situation...

It was bin day today, so of course bins were out on the street. It was also extremely windy that day so bins had fallen over and or had been moved.

...you can probably guess where I'm going with this, eh?

We're driving down this street quite slowly, and along the sidewalk there are fallen over bins and even a couple bins on the road.

Up ahead, it looks like a scene from GTA.

A man was stomping round, yelling angrily. He then fly-kicked bins on the street, falling over.

It was bloody hilarious.

Whatever happened to this man, to make him this angry (at bins nonetheless) must have been bad because these bins were getting beaten to a pulp.

Mother dear, being the responsible adult, slowly backs the car up and the turns and we're out of the street and onto the main road.

It was a strange day that...

You have no idea how many nights I have stayed up, wondering why this man was so angry and why he decided to take out his angry on something as petty as people's bins on the street.

But I also spend nights wondering what happened to him...

Did he serve hard time for harassing bins? Did he get any satisfaction from beating up them bins? Did he ever find peace?

Also, what about the people who's bins were attacked?!

Did they come home from work one day and suddenly their bins were just...gone? Or were they there to witness the destruction?

I need these answers!

It was such an odd event that happened on such a normal day, why can't I get this out of my head?!

Bloody hell, it's driving me nuts if you can't tell...

...I'm going to stop before I hurt myself

Please, if you somehow find answers to why someone would take their rage out on people's bins then please - I beg of thee - tell me!

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