Education System

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Okay, probably more series than I usually act...but it's recently been pissing me off more.

To begin with, there are many things that I personally find wrong with the education system in the UK. And the one point I'm going to make is homework.

Homework takes up so many hours out of my time, and because I actually have exams I need to do additional studying after that homework.

So, last year when I was doing my National 5s I was doing seven subjects. Some people had eight (depending on the school) and some did National 4 where they didn't have an exam to sit.

So I had 7 subjects to study for. 7 subjects I would get homework from just about every night, and then I'm expected to study after doing that homework.

Now that I'm doing higher, the number of subjects I have has dropped to 5 but the amount of work being handed to us on a daily basis to complete is about 3x more than last year.

Throughout this term I have spent hours on end trying to desperately complete the homework assigned while failing to be able to study areas in subjects where I do need to study. I am literally not able to study because I have too much homework.

Now some may consider homework to actually be studying, but for studying you decide what areas you think you need to go over and if you do get stuck in the homework then you get scolded for failing to ask the teacher questions or because 'you should know this'


Do not get me started on the amount of times a teacher has said to me 'you should know this' because it not only puts pressure on me, it lowers my confidence in feeling like I'm actually able to do something!

Homework takes up so much of my time that I hardly ever go swimming anymore! I'm in a club and my parents spend money for me to be a part of this club yet I can't go because I have homework to do.

"Take a break!" Some think it's good, but with my fucked up mental state I end up feeling guilty after enjoying time away from studying and guilt literally eats me away, as in, if I feel guilty for something I do to a person I will still feel guilty five years later even if that person has forgotten. As in, if I feel guilty about something I recently just did I wont eat as a form of punishing myself.

Homework has pulled me away from not only my clubs, but my family as I'm always stuck in my room doing school work apart from dinner where they always comment how they never see me anymore and I'm sitting there like "just blame school"

I don't have time to do anything I really enjoy anymore! Not even the stupid, pointless, simple things!

I guess a swimming club and playing an instrument are a pretty big deal but I haven't been able to enjoy either since school started again.

As you probably noticed, my updates on 'stories' went down so I'm losing out on this, I don't normally go out on weekends because I'm so tired/still have work to do, I hardly read actual books, I don't just sit down and paint my nails, I hardly decide to sit down and watch a movie or TV except maybe when I'm eating (which takes me about 10 mins..), I don't go running, I don't go outside basically! I can't help my brother with his homework because I'm too busy with my own, I can't be bothered even shaving my freakin legs because that just takes up extra time in the shower, and my sleep schedule is out of wack!

Tomorrow, I'll go in and do a Human Biology check test I haven't been able to study for, talk to my teacher about what I did wrong in the Listening UASP, do my Modern Studies homework I have failed to finish at lunch, try my best to actual learn something in Chemistry, and finally at the end of the day get yelled at by my Maths teacher about how I am failing Higher Maths and completely humiliate me in front of the whole class.

And then I'll pretend that I don't care, go home, give it lightly to my parents and get a quick lecture from one or other before going to my room for the rest of the night to finish my homework given that day, plus the homework I still need to complete.

Well done education system...

"Let's give these teenage kids LOTS of homework!"
"I'm stressed"
"More homework the better they'll learn!"
"I have no time for anything"
"Let's make them smart!"
"I have lost the will to live"

If you have stayed this long throughout my rant then I congratulate you.

You have also probably noticed that I have just used this rant as an excuse to procrastinate, which isn't totally true because it's like 12:00am.

Sorry this wasn't all ' lolz ' but I needed to rant and *angels singing* here this was!

Thank you for reading, and until next time :P

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