The Nice Kid

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I haven't talked about a situation in a while, and this is positive so I'm gonna go with it

With prelims round the corner, teachers shoving work and expectations down your throats and parents nagging at you ever second of every day to study...stress is a pretty common thing at this time.

So, because of all this, I've been having a band day...week...month...year, same thing.


I was sitting in my car, stuck in a bit of rush hour traffic and was listen to Bob Marley (shout out to the man) ignoring the feeling of impending doom as much as possible.

There were a lot of shitty brats and teens running about the streets and that didn't help my mood.

They were in the bloody way!

Get off the freakin road, you twat!

But a little kid, probably about 9 or 10 was on a scooter and was the happiest kid I've seen all week (seeing as I'm surrounded by moody teenagers)

And this little kid stopped and took the time to smile at me.


A moody teenager stuck in the back of a car!

Of course I smiled back!

And he looked proud of himself afterwards. inspiration to everyone.

Now, why can't kids be more like this one and not a piece of shit?

Why must so many kids be brats when they have literally fuck all to worry about?

"Oh I didn't get full marks on my spelling bee"

Oh what a shame, I'm failing Higher English over here.

"I didn't get all my maths work done in time"

Me neither pal, my test just there? Pft! Don't get me started on how empty that shit was.

"I fell over in the play ground today"

You're fine, no broken bones, maybe a scab. Good for you, you've got some battle scars to show the other kids.

I just

I wanna go back to Primary where everyone was at least remotely nice to each other and forgave each other over sharing their snack!

And it's not awkward to talk to some else in your class without someone giving you a look of disgust? Hatred? Disappointment?

Screw you!

I'm gonna be BFFs with this lil kid who knows how to be a decent human being!

Unlike SOME PEOPLE *pointed look at Hector* not look at anyone in particular, really!

Alright, that was quite a refreshing rant. I'm going back to studying now.


Story Time! - I_am_a_psychopathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon