First (half) Week Back at School

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Don't do well in your first few years of school.

Okay, do well enough that you won't be stuck in classes where you won't do well but not well enough that teachers have high expectations of you.

I went back to school the other day, and you know what every teacher has said to me?

"have you done this?" "have you done that?"

"we expect more from you"

"you're one of the ones who we, in the department, believe is going to get a good mark"

"you need to manage your time better"

"are you studying enough at home?"

...yup, fun day...

Really, if you do really well in the easy years where you don't actually have proper exams then teachers are going to expect you to do well in the end.

Why? Why did I try so hard?

Except in English, my teacher knows I try yet still fail.

One of my teachers said to the class today that we need to throw away our Xbox, PlayStation, phones, iPods/iPads, shut down the TV, cancel the deal with Netflix and -

Wow...first world problems much? Ah!

I don't have half that stuff, so I'm not too bothered, and I see where she's coming from. Distractions are a bad thing, but what about when we need a break from all the studying we do?

I mean, I come on this site or app and just kinda float around for a while but really that's just me, that's my distraction, my break from the studying.

If I'm stressed out about homework and feel like I might just throw up, I'll stop and do something else which shall usually be on my iPod.

It helps me get back into the right mindset and be ready to take on more tasks.

For others it might be playing a game on the Xbox with their friends for a while, others it might be listening to music or watching an episode of a show they want to catch up on.

Everyone's different and teachers don't understand that, they put us into two groups most of the time. Those who know what they're teaching them and those who don't. The ones who they expect to pass well and the ones they don't.

Some people can spend hours on end studying and not be too bothered, but others (hi) can only do so much before being mentally exhausted and needing a break.

Ah, a little rant. Just a baby one. That was nice.

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