Times Square Adventures

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Alright, here we go!

Now, first things first. You know you are in Times Square when you start to see random people dressed up as a bunch of Elmos, Spidermen, Statues of Liberty, occasionally Batman and Mickey Mouse.

These guys? They're kind of a bunch of...cons, assholes, thieves, etc.

They go around asking if you want a picture with them, or if you want a hug, or whatever! Bottom line is DON'T DO IT

They will charge you for the picture, ask for a tip, then demand more! As for wanting hugs, need I explain? First, it's fucking creepy. Second, they're pickpocketing you. Duh.

This is legitimately their job. You actually see groups of them counting up all their money together and ish.

Times Square is also lit up like a Christmas tree every night. It looks great, don't get me wrong, but I mean come on! We get pestered to turn off lights and switch plugs off when some cities *pointed look* are lit up like the fourth of July!

Another thing about this place is there are a whole lot of random people.

One person actually came up to me and my friends and asked us to be in a YouTube video. A video on the site of YouTube! I'm Internet famous!

Ugh...my face is, I guess.

He was chill and it was sweet~

So, he was one of the chill people. He used Times Square as a place for publicity. There were others who also used it for publicity, but weren't as chill.

There were a group of students from Mexico who were holding signs and banners and ish, trying to get publicity to try and get their friends back from the government who supposedly took them. So that was a thing.

Then there are others who...aren't so chill.

They aren't as obvious and as big of assholes as the guys who dress up, but it's still obvious.

These guys go around practically catcalling people and then expecting you to give them money for the homeless.

No offense, but that's a load of ballocks.

I saw some of my ignorant classmates handing money over to these guys and I couldn't help but facepalm because, surprise surprise, you've been scammed.

There was no logo or even a company name, the guys doing it weren't exactly going about getting money the best way ("HEY YOU! PRETTY LADY, HOW BOUT SOME MONEY! MONEY FOR THE POOR!"), and they are literally smoking while on the job.

How many jobs are you allowed to do while smoking?? Legally, I mean. Not many, right?

My friend and I both seemed to be one of the only ones who realised that it was a scam.

Others said that they couldn't believe a person would use the excuse of charity to take money from people to us on their own. That's a nice thought, but then again we all know people who would be desperate and horrible enough to do such a thing.

Anything else about Times Square...?


Right across from each other is a Hershey shop and an MnM shop! I couldn't believe it! I just had to walk across the road if I ever wanted a different kind of chocolate!

Throughout that entire week, I'm gonna be honest when I say that I believe I went through about six big bags of Hershey's kisses.

They were amazing....

We also walked past a 'Gentleman's Club' on the way. Contrary to the name, it's not for gentlemen.

Well, I think that's all from Times Square :)

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